508.1.1 Makeup air temperature.
The temperature differential between makeup air delivered to the space and the air in the conditioned space shall not exceed 10ºF (6ºC) except where the makeup air contributes to satisfying the heating or cooling loads of the space and such temperature differential does not exceed 25°F (-38.9°C). The makeup air delivered to a compensating hood with front facing or side facing discharges shall be considered as being delivered to the space for the purposes of this section.
508.1.2 Air balance
Design plans for a commercial kitchen ventilation system shall include a schedule or diagram indicating the design air balance of the kitchen and all communicating spaces clearly indicating makeup, transfer, exhaust and infiltration air flow rates. Negative pressurization caused by the kitchen exhaust system shall not cause improper operation of systems in communicating spaces or cause door opening forces in the building to exceed the limits set forth in Chapter 10 of the New York City Building Code.
508.2 Compensating hoods.
Manufacturers of compensating hoods shall provide a label indicating minimum exhaust flow and/or maximum makeup airflow that provides capture and containment of the exhaust effluent.
Exception: Compensating hoods with makeup air supplied only from the front face discharge and side face discharge openings shall not be required to be labeled with the maximum makeup airflow.
509.1 Where required.
Commercial cooking appliances required by Section 507.2 to have a Type I hood shall be provided with an approved automatic fire suppression system complying with the New York City Building Code and the New York City Fire Code.
510.1 General.
This section shall govern the design and construction of duct systems for hazardous exhaust and shall determine where such systems are required. Hazardous exhaust systems are systems designed to capture and control hazardous emissions generated from product handling or processes, and convey those emissions to the outdoors. Hazardous emissions include flammable vapors, gases, fumes, mists or dusts, and volatile or airborne materials posing a health hazard, such as toxic or corrosive materials. For the purposes of this section, the health-hazard rating of materials shall be as specified in NFPA 704.
For the purposes of the provisions of Section 510, a laboratory shall be defined as a building or portion thereof wherein chemicals or gases are used or synthesized on a nonproduction basis for testing, research, experimental, instructional or educational purposes.