Division 16. Office of Intergovernmental Relations.
The Office of Intergovernmental Relations has the following functions:
(a) respond to the County's interest with respect to legislation and budget issues being prepared or undertaken by the State legislative and Executive branches;
(b) provide County liaison with the legislative delegation and appropriate State departments, agencies, commissions and committees and monitor the State legislature; and
(c) provide coordination or liaison and, as appropriate, respond to legislation, regulations, or other policy issues involving nearby counties or states, municipalities within the County, regional agencies, the District of Columbia, and the federal government. (1980 L.M.C., ch. 21, § 4; 1986 L.M.C., ch. 37, § 3; 1993 L.M.C., ch. 6, § 1.)
Editor’s note—See County Attorney Opinion dated 8/26/04 discussing the extent and limits of the Commission on Health’s authority. See County Attorney Opinion dated 4/21/04 discussing the limited authority of the Commission on People with Disabilities and the role of the County Attorney as the legal advisor for the County.
Cross reference-Office of Intergovernmental Relations established, § 1A-201(a).
Division 17. Office of Management and Budget.
(a) Generally. The Office of Management and Budget has the following functions:
(1) preparation and administration of the annual operating budget, six-year public services program and related matters;
(2) preparation and administration of the annual capital budget, six-year capital improvements program and related matters;
(3) planning for county facilities;
(4) program evaluation;
(5) coordination of productivity improvement activities, including management, organization and systems analyses and projects; and
(6) other management functions as assigned by the chief administrative officer.
(b) Non-merit position. The position of Deputy Director for Results is a non-merit position. (1980 L.M.C., ch. 21, § 7; 1986 L.M.C., ch. 37, § 3; 1987 L.M.C., ch. 34, § 3; 1987 L.M.C., ch. 47, § 2; 2019 L.M.C., ch. 5, § 1.)
(a) If, on the effective date of this Act, an employee who occupies a position that this Act converts to a non-merit position:
(1) that employee retains all merit system rights; and
(2) the position does not become a non-merit position until that employee leaves the position through transfer, promotion, demotion, retirement, or other separation from service.
(b) An employee who, on the effective date of this Act, is in a probationary period for a position that this Act converts to a non-merit position:
(1) that employee retains all merit system rights upon successful completion of the probationary period; and
(2) the position does not become a non-merit position until that employee leaves the position through transfer, promotion, demotion, retirement, or other separation from service.
Cross reference-Office of Management and Budget established, § 1A-201(a).
Editor’s note—2015 L.M.C., ch. 36, eliminates the Department of Economic Development as a principal department of the Executive Branch.
2015 L.M.C., ch. 36, § 7 states: References to the Department of Economic Development in contracts. All references to the Department of Economic Development in contracts, deeds, licenses, easements, and leases are references to an agent of the County as designated by the Chief Administrative Officer.
2015 L.M.C., ch. 36, § 8 also states, in part: All other provisions of this Act take effect 180 days after the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation is designated under Section 30B-2.