Editor’s note—2015 L.M.C., ch. 36, eliminates the Department of Economic Development as a principal department of the Executive Branch.
2015 L.M.C., ch. 36, § 7 states: References to the Department of Economic Development in contracts. All references to the Department of Economic Development in contracts, deeds, licenses, easements, and leases are references to an agent of the County as designated by the Chief Administrative Officer.
2015 L.M.C., ch. 36, § 8 also states, in part: All other provisions of this Act take effect 180 days after the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation is designated under Section 30B-2.
(a) Generally. The Office of Community Use of Public Facilties:
(1) administers and implements the School Facilities Utilization Act (Chapter 44, Article I); and
(2) schedules and makes available to the community the use of
(A) school facilities; and
(B) other public facilities designated by the Chief Administrative Officer under standards established by regulation issued under method (2).
(b) Duties of the Director. The Director of Community Use of Public Facilities must carry out the functions described in this Section and Section 44-4.
(c) Enterprise Fund. All user fees and other payments to the County for the community use of a public facility under subsection (a)(2) must be administered through the enterprise fund established by Section 44-5A.
(d) Assistance for programs serving underserved communities with a focus on vulnerable youth or low-income persons. The Executive must establish by method (2) regulation a program administered by the Director to encourage use of public facilities, including school facilities, by organizations that serve underserved communities with a focus on vulnerable youth or low-income persons. The regulations adopted under this subsection must include criteria for eligibility, and the program must consist of:
(1) outreach:
(2) technical assistance; and
(3) waiver or reduction of fees for eligible organizations.
(e) On or before January 1 of each even-numbered year, the Director must submit a report to the Executive and Council describing the activities conducted, accomplishments achieved, and difficulties encountered in seeking to increase use of public facilities by programs serving underserved communities with a focus on vulnerable youth or low- income persons. (1998 L.M.C., ch. 29, § 1; 2015 L.M.C., ch. 17, § 1.)
Editor’s note—See County Attorney Opinion dated 6/13/00 explaining that the County cannot refuse access to facilities based on the fact that a group has a discriminatory membership policy.
Division 20. Office of Procurement.