Board of Local Improvements
   33.01   Creation; duties and functions
   33.02   Designation of members
Band Commission
   33.10   Creation; appointment of members, term
   33.11   Charge and supervision of moneys
   33.12   Charge of appointment of band members
   33.13   Levy of tax
Playground and Recreation Board
   33.25   Establishment; powers and responsibilities
   33.26   Powers of Board to establish and maintain recreation system
   33.27   Composition of the Recreation Board
Board of Health
   33.35   Establishment
   33.36   Chairperson of Board
   33.37   Meetings
   33.38   Duties
   33.39   Health Officer; creation of office; duties; bond
Water and Sewer Billing Review Board
   33.40   Creation
   33.41   Members
   33.42   Responsibilities and powers
   33.43   Complaint process
Combined Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals
   33.50   Purpose
   33.51   Membership
   33.52   Term of office; vacancies
   33.53   Procedure of Commission following appointment
   33.54   Powers and duties
   33.55   Copies of ordinances, plans and data relative to public improvements to be furnished to Commission
   33.56   Expenditures
   33.57   Land subdivision or resubdivision and the official map
   33.58   Meetings and hearing proceedings
Emergency Telephone System Board
   33.70   Definitions
   33.71   Creation of an Emergency Telephone System Board for the city
   33.72   Board membership; general
   33.73   Powers of the Board
   33.74   Emergency Telephone System Fund; expenditures
   33.75   Investment of funds
   33.76   Powers conferred as additional and supplemental; limitations imposed; effect
   33.77   Pecuniary interest of members or employees of the Board; prohibition; disclosure
Board of Police Commissioners
   33.80   Creation; purpose
   33.81   Chief, Captain, Lieutenant, and part time officers
   33.82   Qualifications and affidavit
   33.83   Appointment and term of office; removal of member
   33.84   Compensation
   33.85   Officers of Board
   33.86   Rules, powers and duties of Board
   33.87   Minor discipline
   33.88   Attorney for Board
   33.89   Annual report; City Council responsibilities toward Board
Middle East Tribute Board
   33.90   Creation
   33.91   Members
   33.92   Responsibilities and powers
   33.93   Finances