No person having obtained a permit from the Board shall construct, alter, or repair any house connection sewer or any portion of any house connection sewer, or makes a connection to any public sewer, or house connection sewer, pursuant to any such permit, at any place other than that designated thereon, or fail, refuse or neglect to comply with any such requirement contained or referred to in this section.
At all times, while the work under any such permit is in progress, the original of such permit must be kept at the place of the work and must, on demand be exhibited to the Board or to any of its inspectors, agents or representatives, or to any police officer.
(a) In those streets and alleys included in that portion of this City, designated by Chapter 8 of this Code as the Central Traffic District, when an excavation is commenced, the making of the excavation, the work to be done therein and the refilling of the excavation, shall be prosecuted diligently and continuously until completed, so as not to obstruct the street or other public place or travel thereon, more than is actually necessary.
(b) The construction of all house connection sewers, and all repairs to such house connection sewers, shall be as follows:
1. All pipe shall be clay, cement, cast iron, ABS and PVC plastic pipe or asbestos cement and have a minimum internal diameter of six inches. (Amended by Ord. No. 152,157, Eff. 5/13/79)
2. House connection sewers in easements over private property shall be constructed of only clay pipe with flexible joints, ABS and PVC plastic pipe or cast iron pipe, and may have an internal diameter of four or six inches. (Amended by Ord. No. 152,157, Eff. 5/13/79)
3. Upon proper application to the Board, the Board may permit the increase in the internal diameter of house connection sewers to not more than two inches less than the internal diameter of the public sewer to which it is connected, if such increased diameter is in accordance with good engineering practice.
4. The quality of the pipe, the type of joint and other materials used, the manner of constructing house connection sewers, the backfilling of the trench, except where specifically provided for herein, or by the Board, shall be the same as is required by the latest specifications and standard plans for the construction of sanitary sewers in this City.
(c) Whenever, in connection with the construction or repair of a sewer connection, a hazardous excavation must be made or an excavation is to be made by tunneling under the surface of a street or alley, the Board may adopt such regulations and require such special inspections as it may deem necessary. The cost of such special inspection shall be estimated by the Board and paid as outlined in Section 64.15.
(d) All house connection sewers, unless otherwise authorized by the Board, shall be laid on a uniform grade of not less than two per cent, with a depth, measured to the invert, at the property line, of not less than four feet below the top of the existing curb or proposed curb at the nearest point. If there is no existing or proposed curb, then such house connection sewers shall be laid on a uniform grade of not less than two per cent, with a depth, measured to the invert, not less than four feet below the surface of the roadway, sidewalk or alley at the property line, unless a greater depth is required to serve such property.
(e) (None)
(f) Where a building is on or immediately adjacent to the property line, to which a sewer connection must be constructed, and an existing house sewer from said building ends at such property line at a depth of less than the depth required in this section for the upper end of a house connection sewer to be constructed to such property line; or where an earth bank over 4 feet in height exists adjacent to the curb line or property line, the Board shall adopt such regulations, for the construction of that portion of the house connection sewer between the curb line and property line, if in a street, and between the main sewer and the property line, if in an alley, walk or other public place improved or to be improved without a curb, which will meet such conditions better than the method of construction herein prescribed.
Where a main sewer exceeds 14 feet in depth the manner of constructing a house connection sewer from such a sewer shall be regulated by the Board.
(g) (Amended by Ord. No. 142,123, Eff. 7/31/71.) Persons making an excavation in any street or sidewalk for any of the purposes mentioned in Sections 64.12 to 64.22 inclusive, must maintain free access to all fire hydrants and water gates. All materials excavated shall be laid compactly along the side of the trench and kept trimmed up so as to cause as little inconvenience as possible to public travel. If any excavation is made across any street or alley, at least one safe crossing must be maintained at all times for vehicles and pedestrians. Where required to keep traffic lanes and sidewalk passageways clear, tight board fences shall be used to hold excavated material. All gutters must be maintained free and unobstructed for the full depth of the adjacent curb and for at least one (1) foot in width from the face of such curb at the gutter line. All work shall be performed in accordance with the latest adopted manual entitled “Work Area Traffic Control”, the latest adopted “Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction”, any required plans and special specifications and shall be performed to the satisfaction of the Board.
If the warning signs, lights and devices required under this section are not promptly provided, the Board may provide them; the cost of such work performed by the Board may be billed to the permittee.
(h) Any excavation made for the purpose of making a house connection to a sewer shall be refilled in the manner required by this article within three days after inspection of the pipe by the Board, or within three days after the date of the completion of the excavation if no work is done therein. Nothing in this article contained shall be construed to allow a longer period of time therefor.
The top surface of the backfill shall conform closely enough to the level of the adjoining street or sidewalk surface and shall be compacted so that it is hard enough and smooth enough to be safe for pedestrian travel over it as well as for vehicular traffic to pass safely over it at a legal rate of speed. The permittee shall maintain the surface of the backfill in a condition safe for pedestrian and vehicular traffic until the said surface has been repaired by the Board, and said permittee shall be responsible for all accidents which may occur due to pedestrians traveling over or upon the site of the excavation as well as vehicles crossing said site at a legal rate of speed, until said surface has been so repaired. (Amended by Ord. No. 142,123, Eff. 7/31/71.)
If it is impracticable to maintain the surface of the backfill in safe condition for pedestrian travel or vehicular traffic, subject to concurrence by the inspector, then the permittee shall maintain barriers and lights around it in accordance with Subsection (g) hereof until the sidewalk and street pavements have been repaired. (Added by Ord. No. 142,123, Eff. 7/31/71.)
(i) The street surface excavated or damaged shall be replaced by the Board, and the cost thereof shall be recovered by the Board in accordance with the provisions of Section 62.05 of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 121,900, Eff. 6/4/62.)
(j) In all cases where the public records of a public sewer, or house connection sewer, do not correctly represent the existing condition of or conditions surrounding such sewer, or where, in the opinion of the Board, the physical conditions are such that strict compliance with the provisions of Section 64.12 to Section 64.22, inclusive, if unnecessary or unreasonable, the Board is granted the power to make modifications for individual cases, and determine the procedure to be followed, and its decision shall be final.
(k) No person shall connect a 4-inch house sewer to a 6-inch house connection sewer without first installing a 6-inch by 4-inch by 4-inch increaser tee on the end of the 6-inch house connection sewer, or a six-inch by 4-inch increaser followed by a 4-inch by 4-inch by 4-inch tee branch.
(Amended by Ord. No. 184,054, Eff. 3/6/16.)
An applicant requiring issuance of a permit to connect to or construct a Special House Connection Sewer or Bonded Sewer House Connection Sewer must file an application with the Bureau of Engineering. The Bureau shall charge and collect, in addition to all other required fees and charges, the following fee where applicable:
(a) For rectangular lots, a fee of $74 for each linear foot of the lot frontage for which the connection or construction is sought, except that for rectangular lots that have multiple frontages providing access to sewers, a fee of $74 for each linear foot of the shortest frontage.
(b) For lots that are not rectangular, the Bureau shall calculate the area of the lot for which the connection or construction is sought, determine the size of a rectangular lot that would be equal in area, and impose a fee of $74 for each linear foot of frontage of the equivalent rectangular lot.
(c) The Bureau of Engineering may reduce the total fee imposed pursuant to the provisions of Sub-section (a) or (b) of this Section where it determines that the fee would exceed the fee amount charged with respect to other lots in the same bonded sewer area.
(d) The provisions of this Section do not apply to permit applications for a Bonded Sewer House Connection Sewer where the lot for which the connection is sought was the subject of an assessment for a public sewer connection at the front, rear or side of the lot.
Fees collected pursuant to the provisions of this Section shall be deposited into the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund established pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.19.2.
(a) Any money collected or received by the City in accordance with Section 64.11.2, 64.16.1 or 64.18 may be refunded as provided in this Subsection, or may be credited pursuant to the provisions of Subsection (b) or (e) of this Section, and not otherwise, if a verified claim in writing is filed with the City Clerk accompanied by the original receipt or certificate for the fees collected. If said receipt or certificate cannot be located, an affidavit must be filed with the claim which satisfactorily explains why it cannot be located. Such refund shall be made only on the following conditions: (First Sentence Amended by Ord. No. 182,076, Eff. 4/6/12.)
1. Where payment was made per Section 64.11.2 and tract proceedings have expired or been abandoned, the claim must be filed within one year from the date said proceedings expired or where abandoned.
3. Where payment was made per Section 64.16.1 or 64.18 and a house connection permit to connect improvements to the public sewer was obtained per Section 64.12 and where the house connection permit expired or was cancelled and said payment is no longer required, the claim must be filed within one year from the date said permit expired or was cancelled.
4. Where payment was made per Section 64.16.1 or 64.18
and no house connection permit to connect improvements to the public sewer was obtained, and said payment is not required, the claim must be filed within one year after expiration of the building permit, as such expiration is determined by Section 98.0602 of this Code. (Amended by Ord. No. 168, 533, Eff. 3/1/93.)
5. Where payment was made per Section 64.16.1 or 64.18
and no house connection permit to connect improvements to the public sewer was obtained, the time for a plan check, including any extension, pursuant to Section 98.0603 of this Code, has expired, and no payment is required the claim must be filed within one year after the date of such expiration. (Added by Ord. No. 168, 533, Eff. 3/1/93.)
6. (Amended by Ord. No. 171,036, Eff. 6/6/96.) Where payment was made per Section 64.16.1 for a new building and later a demolition occurs on the same lot or parcel, a refund shall be allowed for the demolished building subject to the following:
(i) The demolition must occur within two years of the payment of the Sewerage Facilities Charge for the new building.
(ii) The written application for refund must be made within one year of said demolition and must be accompanied by proof of demolition satisfactory to the City Engineer.
The amount of the refund shall be the amount of monetary credit calculated per Section 64.16.1, Subsection (c), applicable to the demolished building at the time of sign-off of the Demolition Certificate but shall not exceed the amount of the charge which has been paid for the new building on the same lot or parcel.
7. (Former Subdiv. 6 Renumbered by Ord. No 168,533, Eff. 3/1/93.) Where payment was made per Section 64.18 and thereafter a public sewer is constructed to serve such property and the property is assessed for the construction thereof, the claim must be filed within one year from the date notice is mailed to the last address of the owner of the land that the City Council has confirmed the final assessments for said sewer.
8. (Former Subdiv. 7 Renumbered by Ord. No 168,533, Eff. 3/1/93.) Where payment was made per any of the above sections and such amount was collected wholly or partially in error, or was in excess of that required by said sections, the claim must be filed within one year from the date the error was discovered or should have been discovered by any owner of the property for which payment was made.
9. (Former Subdiv. 8 Renumbered by Ord. No 168,533, Eff. 3/1/93.) Where payment has been made pursuant to Section 64.11.2 or Section 64.16.1 subsequent to December 15, 1981, and sewage from the subject property is or will be treated in the facilities of a Los Angeles County Sanitation District, the permittee or person making such payment may apply for a refund of 85% of the fee specified in Section 64.11.2 or the applicable charge specified in Section 64.11.3. The claims must be filed within one year from the date the payment is made or within one year from the effective date of the ordinance adding Subdivision 8 to Subsection (a) of this section, whichever period is longer. (Added by Ord. No. 157,145, Eff. 11/22/82.)
No refund shall be made of money collected pursuant to Section 64.18 hereof, which must be paid to a school district or a department of this City, other than the Department of Public Works, in accordance with any ordinance of this City.
(b) The right to any refund under this Section is payable to the permittee. After the time provided in this Section to apply for a refund expires, the right to a credit for a refund runs with the land, except for credits that are issued pursuant to the provisions of Subsection (e) of this Section. (Amended by Ord. No. 182,076, Eff. 4/6/12.)
(c) Where a refund is due under the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Section or a refund credit is due pursuant to the provisions of Subsection (e) of this Section and the refund or refund credit does not exceed the sum of $25,000, the Board is authorized to make such refund or refund credit without the necessity of first receiving the approval of the City Council, and is authorized to cause a demand to be drawn on the general fund or any other fund in which the fees being refunded may have been deposited. (Amended by Ord. No. 182,076, Eff. 4/6/12.)
(d) The provisions of this section shall not relieve any person from compliance with the provisions of Sections 363, 376 and 376.1 of the Charter relating to the presentation of claims prior to the bringing of a suit or action thereon, or be deemed to limit or qualify the lawful right of any person to bring or maintain any action or proceeding based upon the general law of this State for any remedy provided by that law. (Amended by Ord. No. 146,426, Eff. 9/22/74.)
(e) (Added by Ord. No. 182,076, Eff. 4/6/12.) The Board is authorized to use refund credits that run with the land authorized pursuant to the provisions of Subsection (b) of this Section to offset the increases to the Quality Surcharge Fee (QSF), which increases begin on the effective date of this Subsection and are imposed pursuant to the provisions of Subdivision (4) of Subsection D. of Section 64.30, if all of the following conditions are satisfied:
2. The SIU is also an owner of the property for which the payment was made;
3. The flow, as determined pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.11.3(f), from the property is less than the amount for which SFC payment was made;
4. The SIU can demonstrate that the reduced amount of flow identified in Subdivision 3. of this Subsection was caused by the use of water conservation practices, pretreatment of discharge, or use of environmentally responsible practices; and
5. The SIU, at the time of submission of the written claim to the City Clerk required by the provisions of Subsection (a) of this Section, is not delinquent in payment of any monies owed pursuant to any provision of this Article or Article 4.1.
(f) The monetary value of a refund credit that may be offset against QSF fees as authorized pursuant to Subsection (e) of this Section shall be calculated based on the rate at which the fees for which a refund is requested were paid. (Added by Ord. No. 182,076, Eff. 4/6/12.)
(g) Any refund credit that is used pursuant to the provisions of Subsection (e) of this Section to offset QSF fees will be removed from property records, and any future fee required for the property pursuant to the provisions of Section 64.11.2 or Section 64.16.1 will be calculated based on the rates in effect at the time the fee is imposed. (Added by Ord. No. 182,076, Eff. 4/6/12.)
(a) There is hereby created a fund within the Board of Public Works Trust Fund to be known as the Sewerage Facilities Fund. (Amended by Ord. No. 140,190, Eff. 5/11/70.)
(b) The Board is hereby authorized to use monies available in the Sewerage Facilities Fund in the Board of Public Works Trust Fund for financing the construction of outlet sewers for which the City is obligated by accepting charges in accordance with Section 64.11.2. (Amended by Ord. No. 140,190, Eff. 5/11/70.)
(c) The current and future unencumbered balances on completed projects in the Sewerage Facilities Fund are hereby transferred to the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund established by Section 64.19.2 of this Code. (Added by Ord. No. 140,190, Eff. 5/11/70.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 162,864, Eff. 11/22/87.)
There is hereby established a special fund in the City Treasury entitled Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund. The Council shall designate by ordinance those monies which shall be deposited on a regular basis into the Fund. All monies received from the sale of sewage derived energy shall also be deposited into the Fund as shall operation and maintenance payments received by the City from contracting agencies for sewer services provided by the City. Monies deposited into the fund shall not be subject to reversion to the Reserve Fund.
Monies deposited into the Fund shall be expended only for sewer and sewage-related purposes including but not limited to industrial waste control and water reclamation purposes and including, but not limited to, funding of the Wastewater System Revenue Bonds Funds created by Section 5.168.1 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code. Expenditures shall be made from the Fund as provided in the General City Budget or by Council resolution unless provided otherwise by ordinance, except however that monies in the fund which were received by the City subject to any limitations on their use may only be expended in accordance with those limitations.
The Board of Public Works shall cause the necessary demands to be drawn upon monies approved for expenditure pursuant to the section except that expenditures for deposit into (a) the Wastewater System Revenue Bonds Funds shall be made as provided in Section 5.168.2 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code and; (b) the Sewer Operation and Maintenance Fund and Sewer Capital Fund shall be made as provided for in Sections 64.19.3 and 64.19.4 of this Code, without such demands
(Title and Section Amended by Ord. No. 162,864, Eff. 11/22/87.)
There is hereby established a special fund in the City Treasury entitled Sewer Operation and Maintenance Fund. Monies shall be transferred by the Treasurer from the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund to the Sewer Operation and Maintenance Fund, on or before the twenty-fifth day of each month commencing on November 25, 1987, for the purpose of paying the operation and maintenance costs of the City’s wastewater system, as directed by the Director of the Bureau of Accounting, Department of Public Works, with the concurrence of the Controller. Monies deposited in this Fund shall not be subject to reversion to the Reserve Fund. Such monies shall also be available, if needed, to fund the Wastewater System Revenue Bonds Funds created by Section 5.168.1 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code. Amounts may be advanced to the Sewer Capital Fund, if required, as directed by the Director of the Bureau of Accounting, Department of Public Works, with the concurrence of the Controller.
(Added by Ord. No. 162,864, Eff. 11/22/87.)
There is hereby established a special fund in the City Treasury entitled Sewer Capital Fund. All monies received as capital payments from contracting agencies for sewer services and grant receipts shall be deposited into this Fund. Monies shall be transferred by the Treasurer from the Sewer Construction and Maintenance Fund to the Sewer Capital Fund, on or before the twenty-fifth day of each month commencing on November 25, 1987, provided there are otherwise sufficient funds available to make that month’s transfers as required by Section 5.168.2 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code, for the purpose of funding capital projects of the City’s wastewater system, as directed by the Director of the Bureau of Accounting, Department of Public Works, with the concurrence of the Controller. Monies deposited in this Fund shall not be subject to reversion to the Reserve Fund. Such monies shall also be available, if needed, to fund the Wastewater System Revenue Bonds Funds created by Section 5.168.1 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code. Amounts may be advanced to the Sewer Operation and Maintenance Fund, if required, as directed by the Director of the Bureau of Accounting, Department of Public Works, with the concurrence of the Controller.