(Amended by Ord. No. 165,310, Eff. 12/31/89.)
The purpose of this division is to establish requirements and procedures for the revocation by the Department of permits issued by the Department and to establish time limits for the validity of permits, plan checks and slight modifications.
(a) Department Authority.
1. The Department shall have the authority to revoke any permit, slight modification, determination granted or made in reliance on a false statement or misrepresentation as to a material fact.
2. The Department shall have the authority to revoke any permit, slight modification, or determination whenever such action was granted in error or in violation of other provisions of this Code and conditions are such that the action should not have been allowed. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
(b) Board Authority. The Board shall have the authority to revoke any slight modification, or determination granted or made by the Board in reliance on a false statement or misrepresentation as to a material fact. The Board shall also have the authority to revoke any slight modification, determination granted or made by the Board whenever such action was granted in error or in violation of other provisions of the Code and conditions are such that the action should not have been allowed.
(Amended by Ord. No. 186,488, Eff. 12/27/19.)
(a) Every permit issued shall be valid for a period of two years from the date thereof, provided that any permit shall expire 12 months from date of issuance if the work authorized under any permit associated to the current scope of work has not been commenced; or shall expire whenever the Department determines the work authorized by any permit has been suspended, discontinued or abandoned for a continuous period of 12 months. (See Health and Safety Code Sections 18938.5 and 18938.6.) (Amended by Ord. No. 187,719, Eff. 1/23/23.)
1. If the holder of any permit issued by the Department presents satisfactory evidence that unusual construction difficulties have prevented work from being started or continued without being suspended with the 12-month time period or completed within the two-year period of validity, the department or the Board may grant extensions of time reasonably necessary because of such difficulties.
2. If the permit(s) is related to or for a residential occupancy issued by the Department, and if the work authorized under any permit associated to the current scope of work for said residential occupancy has not been commenced, the permit(s) shall expire within 12 months after issuance. If the holder of any permit concerning residential occupancy issued by the Department presents satisfactory evidence that unusual construction difficulties have prevented work from being started or continued without being suspended with the 12-month time period or completed within the two-year period of validity, the Department or the Board may grant extensions of time reasonably necessary because of such difficulties.
Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection, the validity of a permit may be further restricted in the following conditions:
2. The Department or the Board may, because of unusual circumstances or conditions such as, but not limited to, the demolition of an imminently hazardous building, or a grading operation which may be subject to flooding during the rainy season, impose restrictions upon the time limits for expiration of any permit.
3. The time limit for the validity of relocation permits shall be as specified in LAMC Section 91.8306.
4. The time limit for the validity of tent permits shall be as specified in LAMC Subsection
5. The time limit for the validity of permits for the installation of metal bars, grills, grates, security roll-down shutters, and similar devices, and of quick-release systems shall be as specified in Los Angeles Municipal Code Subsection
6. The time limit of validity of permits for temporary signs on temporary construction walls, or for temporary signs on a fence of solid wood or similar material surrounding a vacant lot, issued pursuant to the provisions of Section 14.4.17, shall be as specified in Subsection 14.4.17 C. of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
(b) Permits which have expired shall have the site, building or project restored to the condition which existed immediately prior to the commencement of work described by such permit.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any owner, either before or after the issuance of a permit under this section, and notwithstanding the issuance of such permit, to fail to comply with any order, determination or action of the Department or Board.
If a permit is not secured within 18 months after plans have been filed for checking such plan check shall expire and no permit shall be issued until the plans are rechecked and approved and a new plan check fee paid. (Amended by Ord. No. 167,969, Eff. 7/11/92.)
EXCEPTION: The Department or the Board may grant extensions of time if a permit applicant submits in writing sufficient evidence that unusual conditions or circumstances precluded the securing of the permit within the allocated time.
(Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
The rights and privileges granted by the Department or the Board under a slight modification shall be voided if the permit is not secured within 18 months of the date the modification was granted or if the permit expires under any of the conditions specified in Section 98.0602 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
EXCEPTION: The Department or the Board may grant extensions of time if a permit applicant submits in writing substantial evidence that unusual conditions or circumstances precluded the securing of the permit within the allocated time or caused the permit to expire as specified in Section 98.0603 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
(Division Added by Ord. No. 172,782, Eff. 9/30/99.)
98.0701 Declaration of Purpose.
98.0702 Definitions.
98.0703 Enforcement Authority.
98.0704 Enforcement Remedies.
98.0705 Strict Liability Offenses.
98.0706 Duty to Clean, Fence and Barricade.
98.0707 Administrative Abatement Procedures for Vacant and Unsecured Structures.
98.0708 Standards for Fencing and Barricading a Vacant Structure.
98.0709 Entry or Interference with Notice Prohibited.
98.0710 Continuous Abatement Authority.
98.0711 Abatement Cost.
98.0712 Continuous Public Nuisances.
98.0713 Duty to File a Statement of Intent.
98.0714 Posting Name of Responsible Person.
98.0715 Reinspection Fee.
98.0716 Vacant Structure Penalty.
98.0717 Procedures for Barricaded and Vacant Structure Penalty.
98.0718 Appeal of Barricaded and Vacant Structure Penalty.
98.0719 Administrative Enforcement Hearing.
98.0720 Failure to Pay Penalties.
98.0721 Allocation of Vacant Building Penalty.