1224.01 Purposes
1224.02 Application
1224.03 Interpretation
1224.04 Effective date
1224.05 Amendments
1224.06 Enforcement
1224.07 Appeals
1224.08 Definitions
1224.09 Development of land; applications; requirements
1224.10 Separability
1224.99 Penalty
Table 1
Fee of designated public land to vest when plat recorded - see R.C. § 711.07
Cornerstones and permanent markers - see R.C. § 711.03
Plat acknowledgment and recording - see R.C. § 711.06
Village subdivision regulations - see R.C. § 711.09, 711.101
Violations - see R.C. § 711.102
The purposes of these Subdivision Regulations are to create a healthy, efficient and attractive environment for human habitation; to facilitate the economical installation and maintenance of public utilities; to provide for the proper arrangement of streets or other highways in relation to existing or planned streets; and to provide for cooperation between land owners, developers and local government interests.
(`80 Code, § 1224.01) (Ord. 2236, passed 1-19-99)