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Jefferson, Ohio Code of Ordinances
Village of Jefferson, OH Meeting Minutes
VILLAGE OF JEFFERSON, OH Municipal Meeting Minutes
Buildings and Land Use Committee
Committee Council of the Whole
Finance Committee
Planning Commission
Records Committee
Recreation Committee
Safety Committee
Wastewater Committee
Zoning Board
1985 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1986 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1987 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1988 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1989 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1990 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1991 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1992 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1993 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1994 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1995 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1996 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1997 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1998 Village Council Meeting Minutes
1999 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2000 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2001 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2002 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2003 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2004 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2005 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2006 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2007 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2008 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2009 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2010 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2011 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2012 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2013 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2014 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2015 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2016 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2017 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2018 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2019 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2020 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2021 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2022 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2023 Village Council Meeting Minutes
2024 Village Council Meeting Minutes
§ 1019.01 DEFINITIONS.
   For purposes of this chapter, the following terms, phrases, words, and their derivations have the meanings set forth herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words in the present tense include the future tense, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The words "shall" and "will" are mandatory and "may" is permissive. Words not defined shall be given their common and ordinary meaning.
   (a)   ADMINISTRATOR. The Village Administrator.
   (b)   APPLICANT. Any person applying for a right-of-way permit hereunder.
   (c)   BEST EFFORTS. means the best reasonable efforts under the circumstances, taking into consideration, among other appropriate matters, all applicable laws, regulations, safety, engineering and operational codes, expedition, available technology, weather conditions, field conditions, human resources and cost.
   (d)   CHAPTER. Chapter 1019 of the Codified Ordinances of the municipality, as amended from time to time, and any Regulations adopted hereunder.
   (e)   COUNCIL. The legislative body of the municipality.
   (f)   FORCE MAJEURE. A strike, act of God, act of public enemy, order of any kind of a government of the United States of America or of the State of Ohio or any of their departments, agencies or political subdivisions; terrorism, riot, epidemic, landslides, lightning, earthquake, fire, tornado, storm, flood, civil disturbance, explosion, partial or entire failure of a utility or any other cause or event not reasonably within the control of the party disabled by such Force Majeure, but only to the extent such disabled party notifies the other party as soon as practicable regarding such Force Majeure and then for only so long as and to the extent that, the Force Majeure prevents compliance or causes non-compliance with the provisions hereof.
   (g)   FRANCHISE. A valid franchise permit or franchise issued by the municipality pursuant to the village Codified Ordinances or Constitution and laws of Ohio or the United States, and accepted by any person, pursuant to which such person may operate or provide natural gas, electric, cable television, communication or other utility services to consumers within the municipality.
   (h)   GENERAL RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT. Shall have the meaning set forth in § 1019.03(B)(1).
   (i)   GOVERNMENTAL PURPOSES. Those purposes classified as governmental under Ohio law, as well as:
      (1)   Sewerage utility service; and
      (2)   Any other municipality utility service to the extent such other municipality utility service is provided to municipality facilities.
   (j)   LIMITED RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT. Shall have the meaning set forth in § 1019.03(b)(2).
   (k)   PERMITTEE. Any person issued a right-of-way permit pursuant to this chapter to use or occupy all or a portion of the rights-of-way in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and said right-of-way permit.
   (l)   PERSON. Any natural person or any association, firm, partnership, joint venture, corporation, or other legally recognized entity, whether for-profit or not-for-profit.
   (m)   PUBLIC PROPERTY. Any real property owned by the municipality or easements held or used by the municipality, other than a right-of-way.
   (n)   REGULATION. Any rule adopted by the administrator pursuant to the authority of this chapter, and the procedure set forth in § 1019.10, to carry out its purpose and intent.
   (o)   RESIDENTIAL PURPOSES. Use of right-of-way adjacent to a residentially zoned lot for a use consistent with residential zoning by the owner or occupant of the residence.
   (p)   RIGHT-OF-WAY. The surface of and the space above and below the paved or unpaved portions of any public street, public road, public highway, public freeway, public lane, public path, public way, public alley, public court, public sidewalk, public boulevard, public parkway, public drive and any other land dedicated or otherwise designated for the same including but not limited to public easements for commercial corridor improvements now or hereafter held by the municipality which shall, within its proper use and meaning in the sole opinion of the Administrator, entitle a permittee, in accordance with the terms hereof and of any right-of-way permit, to the use thereof for the purpose of installing or operating any poles, wires, cables, transformers, conductors, ducts, lines, mains, conduits, vaults, manholes, amplifiers, appliances, attachments or other property or facilities as may be ordinarily necessary and pertinent to the provision of natural gas, electric, cable television, communications or other utility services as set forth in any franchise or any right-of-way permit. Right-of-way shall not include private easements or public property, except to the extent the use or occupation of public property is specifically granted in a right-of-way permit or by regulation.
   (q)   RIGHT-OF-WAY COMMITTEE. Shall have the meaning set forth in § 1019.03(f).
   (r)   RIGHT-OF-WAY PERMIT. The non-exclusive grant of authority to use or occupy all or a portion of municipality's rights-of-way granted pursuant to this chapter.
   (s)   RIGHT-OF-WAY RELATED COSTS. The total costs to the greatest extent permitted by law to the municipality for planning, regulating, purchasing, maintaining and governing the rights-of-way, including any costs of joint planning, enforcement of this chapter, and related costs and overheads, including but not limited to an appropriate allocation of the costs of any geographic information systems utilized by the municipality.
   (t)   MUNICIPALITY. The Village of Jefferson, Ohio.
(Ord. 2714, passed 12-17-07)