The Director of Public Safety is authorized to apply for and accept any reward in the nature of money, property or services to which the Division of Police may be entitled under the BP Oil Company Shield Program. The Director is further authorized to file all papers and execute all documents necessary to receive the rewards. Any such reward shall be used for the benefit of the Division of Police, unconditionally or limited by such conditions as the donor may impose, and any such reward monies are hereby appropriated for the benefit of the Division of Police and for the purposes specified by the donor. The Director shall report the acceptance of any such reward to the Clerk of Council.
(Ord. No. 1703-91. Passed 7-24-91, eff. 7-31-91)
No person shall refuse to obey any subpoena issued under the authority of Charter Section 115-3, nor refuse to produce books, papers or other evidence required by the Police Review Board, or a committee or person authorized by it.
(Ord. No. 1256-99. Passed 7-14-99, eff. 7-14-99)
(a) The Director of Public Safety is authorized to commission as policemen and policewomen, for a specified time but not to exceed six (6) months for any one (1) commission:
(1) Such employees of the City as have the care and custody of public property.
(2) Such persons as may be needed to transport and guard prisoners committed to penal institutions of this State for violation of the ordinances of the City.
(b) The Director shall prescribe such uniform and badge or distinguishing mark for such policemen or policewomen as he or she may see fit. All persons so commissioned shall have full police powers as prescribed by law.
(Ord. No. 67506. Passed 12-28-25)
There is hereby established a Division of Fire in the Department of Public Safety to be administered and controlled by a Fire Chief, subject to the provisions of the Charter and ordinances of the City, and to the direction of the Director of Public Safety.
(a) The Division of Fire shall comprise the fire force of the City and shall consist of the ranks set forth in the table below and not more persons per rank than are designated in such table. Designation of the number of persons in each rank constitutes the maximum authorized strength for the ranks and does not require, and shall not be construed as requiring, the appointment of the number of officers so designated, or of any specific lesser number. All members of the fire force shall be appointed by the Director of Public Safety unless otherwise provided by Charter.
Not to Exceed
Not to Exceed
Fire Chief | 1 |
Assistant Fire Chief | 7 |
Battalion Chief | 32 |
Captain | 78 |
Lieutenant | 173* |
Firefighter | 1500 |
* plus ten (10) lieutenant positions to be filled only in accordance with the settlement agreement in Luke v. City of Cleveland, U.S.District Court Case No. 1:02 CV 1225. | |
(b) No person holding any of the above ranks in the Division of Fire shall perform any work which is of the same nature as, or included within the duties of, any other classified employee of the City, except as is immediately necessary incident thereto.
(c) The provisions of Section 171.05 to the contrary notwithstanding, commencing January 1, 1981, the Fire Chief shall not be entitled to compensation in money for hours worked on a holiday, or in excess of eight (8) hours per day, or in excess of forty (40) hours during any work week.
(Ord. No. 505-06. Passed 3-20-06, eff. 3-24-06)
(a) There shall be in the Division of Fire a position to be known as the Secretary of Fire, the compensation for which shall be at the rate fixed for the rank of Battalion Chief.
(b) The position shall have the incidences prescribed by RC 124.51.
(Ord. No. 939-69. Passed 9-22-69, eff. 9-24-69)
From and after June 1, 1943, no fire protection service shall be rendered outside of territorial limits of the City of Cleveland by the Division of Fire to persons, firms or corporations except pursuant to contracts entered into with the City of Cleveland as hereinafter provided.
(Ord. No. 473-43. Passed 6-25-43)