§ 135.12 Police Escorts; Fee
   (a)   When the Chief of Police determines it is necessary for the safety and welfare of citizens and visitors for police escorts to be provided, including but not limited to, police escorts for visiting sports teams, political dignitaries, or other individuals or groups requesting or requiring a police escort, the Director of Public Safety may charge and collect fees for the police escort.
   (b)   A fee schedule for police escorts shall be established by the Board of Control, and updated from time-to-time as necessary.
   (c)   The Director may establish rules and regulations regarding police escorts, including staffing and vehicles for arrival escorts, departure escorts, and other necessary escorts. Such rules and regulations shall become effective ten (10) days after publication in the City Record.
   (d)   In addition to the police escorts provided under division (a) of this section, if a police escort is required by state law, or at any other time that the Director of Public Safety and the Traffic Commissioner determine that a police escort is needed, the recipient of the police escort shall also reimburse the City for the costs of the escort according to the fee schedule established by the Board of Control under this section.
(Ord. No. 1593-11. Passed 12-5-11, eff. 12-9-11)