(a) No Contractor may perform general contracting, demolition, sewer building, plumbing, electrical, heating, ventilation, air-conditioning (HVAC) or refrigeration business in the City of Cleveland, whether that business is performed on commercial, industrial, residential or other buildings and structures unless that Contractor holds a current Certificate of Registration or Limited Certificate of Registration for the type of work to be performed.
(b) A permit required by the provisions of OBC or the Cleveland Building Code shall be issued only to a Contractor holding a valid Certificate or Limited Certificate of Registration or to a homeowner exempted from registration under this chapter and that permit may be issued to a Contractor only for work in the areas for which the Contractor holds valid Certificates.
(Ord. No. 377-03. Passed 5-19-03, eff. 5-27-03)
Note: Former 3107.02 repealed by Ord. No. 377-03, passed 5-19-03, eff. 5-27-03.
(a) No provision of this Building Code shall be interpreted to require that a heating, ventilating and air conditioning contractor who holds a valid Certificate of Registration for that work shall hold a Certificate of Registration as an electrical contractor in order to do any of the following electrical work incidental to the following installations, or to obtain permits to do that work, provided that the installations are made by or under the direct supervision of the registered heating, ventilating and air conditioning contractor, and in conformity with the provisions of OBC and this Building Code and rules and regulations promulgated under it, and all permits, inspections, and approvals required by OBC and this Building Code are obtained.
(1) In one (1), two (2) and three (3) family dwellings and individual townhouses, for systems requiring motors of three (3) H.P. or less:
A. Installation of motors or other electrical equipment forming part of the system;
B. Installation of and electrical connections for controls; including thermostats, limit controls, pilot light and ignition controls, and other controls for the operation of the system;
C. Installation of electrical power service connections to motors or controls forming part of the system.
(2) In any building or structure, the replacement of electrical equipment forming part of the system with equipment of like type and capacity for the purpose of maintenance of the system, and the connection of existing electrical terminal connections to replacement equipment.
(b) A Certificate of Registration as either a general contractor or an electrical contractor shall be required to make low voltage wiring installations, as those installations are defined in the National Electrics Code.
(c) No provision of OBC or this Building Code shall be interpreted to require that a heating, ventilating and air conditioning contractor who holds a valid Certificate of Registration or the holder of a valid Certificate of Registration for refrigeration contractor shall hold a Certificate of Registration as a plumbing contractor in order to install, or to obtain permits to install, any equipment forming part of heating, ventilating, air conditioning or refrigerating systems when the equipment for those systems requires no plumbing work other than a water connection or connections and a waste connection or connections discharging as an indirect waste over an open sink, floor drain or other similar open receptacle; or to install those indirect wastes; provided that the installation of that equipment, water connections, or indirect waste connections, is made by or under the direct supervision of the holder of the Certificate of Registration as a heating, ventilating or air conditioning contractor or the holder of a Certificate of refrigeration contractor operator and in conformity with the provision of OBC and this Building Code and rules promulgated under it, and all permits, inspections, and approvals required by OBC and this Building Code are obtained.
(d) The holder of a Certificate of Registration for heating, ventilation or air conditioning may install premanufactured fireplaces and fireplace inserts.
(e) The holder of a Certificate of Registration as a general contractor may perform electrical maintenance and incidental wiring and device installation while maintaining an elevator or conveying system.
(f) The holder of a Certificate of Registration as a general contractor may install sanitary or storm sewers up to no closer than five (5) feet from a building structure regulated by OBM or this Building Code.
(Ord. No. 377-03. Passed 5-19-03, eff. 5-27-03)
Note: Former 3107.03 repealed by Ord. No. 377-03, passed 5-19-03, eff. 5-27-03.
(a) No provision of this Building Code shall be interpreted to require that the owner of a single, two (2) or three (3) family dwelling shall be registered or certified under this chapter to personally perform work upon the premises.
(b) All work done by an owner shall be in conformity with the provisions of this Building Code and rules and regulations promulgated under it, and no work shall be done unless all permits, inspections, and approvals required by this Building Code are obtained.
(c) Any person who misrepresents any material fact in obtaining a permit under the provisions of this section shall be in violation of this Building Code and subject to the penalties provided in Section 3103.99.
(Ord. No. 377-03. Passed 5-19-03, eff. 5-27-03)
Note: Former 3107.04 repealed by Ord. No. 377-03, passed 5-19-03, eff. 5-27-03.
No provision of this Building Code shall be interpreted to require registration or certification under this chapter for officials or employees of public utility organizations to engage in the installation, alteration, repair, maintenance or utilization of any device, appliance, installation or appurtenance forming part of the equipment for generation, transmission, or distribution of any commodity or service which such public utility organization is authorized by law to furnish or provide.
(Ord. No. 377-03. Passed 5-19-03, eff. 5-27-03)
Note: Former 3107.05 repealed by Ord. No. 377-03, passed 5-19-03, eff. 5-27-03.
(a) The applications for a Certificate of Registration, Limited Certificate of Registration or a Certificate of Qualification shall be in the form prescribed by the Director, may require documentation determined by the Director to be sufficient to show that the applicant meets the requirements for issuance of the relevant Certificate, and shall be available in the office of the Director.
(b) Every application shall state the name of the person, firm or corporation applying for registration, limited registration or certification and the name and address of the place of business or places of business of the applicant. If the applicant is a firm, co-partnership, corporation, association or any combination, the application shall contain the names and addresses of all members or officers, together with a certified copy of the corporation minutes or other certified evidence that the application has been duly authorized. Every application shall inquire whether the contractor is a certified renovator or dust sampling technician accredited by the EPA under 40 C.F.R. 745.225.
(c) Applications for Certificates of Registration, Limited Certificates of Registration or Certificates of Qualification shall be sworn to by the applicant before a notary public.
(Ord. No. 747-2019. Passed 7-24-19, eff. 7-26-19)
(a) To obtain or renew a Certificate of Registration as a heating, ventilating or air conditioning contractor, electrical contractor, plumbing contractor, refrigeration contractor, or hydronics contractor, the applicant shall:
(1) Have a valid and unexpired license issued by the Ohio Construction Industry Examining Board as that type of contractor and present proof of that license;
(2) Present proof of the insurance required in the Ohio Revised Code;
(3) Furnish and file with the Director a bond in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) to be approved as to form by the Director of Law, guaranteeing full and faithful compliance by the applicant with OBC and this Building Code and with pertinent rules and regulations promulgated under it, binding the surety to correct or abate any violation of OBC or this Building Code or of pertinent rules and regulations promulgated under them whenever the applicant for registration, named as the principal on the bond, refuses, neglects or fails to correct or abate the violation within a reasonable time limit set by the Director.
(b) To obtain or renew a Certificate of Registration as a general contractor, which includes sewer builders and demolition contractors, the applicant shall:
(1) Be at least eighteen (18) years of age;
(2) Be a United States citizen;
(3) Maintain contractor’s liability insurance, including without limitation, completed operations coverage, in an amount providing for the payment of up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for one (1) person injured, and up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for injury to more than one (1) person in one (1) accident, resulting from doing the work authorized by the Certificate of Registration and up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for property damage in the course of doing the work authorized by the Certificate of Registration. The City shall be included as an additional insured. The insurance shall be issued by an insurance company duly authorized to do business and issue policies of insurance in the State of Ohio. The applicant shall provide proof of this insurance acceptable to the Director;
(4) Furnish and file with the Director a bond in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) to be approved as to form by the Director of Law, guaranteeing full and faithful compliance by the applicant with OBC and this Building Code and with pertinent rules and regulations promulgated under it, binding the surety to correct or abate any violation of OBC or this Building Code or of pertinent rules and regulations promulgated under them whenever the applicant for registration, named as the principal on the bond, refuses, neglects or fails to correct or abate the violation within a reasonable time limit set by the Director. A general contractor who performs sewer building work or demolition work shall furnish and file a similar bond for each of those types of work;
(5) Not have done any of the following:
A. Been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or of any felony less than three (3) years before application for said Certificate of Registration, unless a longer period is established by rules and regulations of the Director of Building and Housing;
B. Obtained or renewed a Certificate of Registration by fraud, misrepresentation or deception;
C. Engaged in fraud, misrepresentation or deception in the conduct of business;
D. Been convicted of repeated violations of the OBC or this Building Code or other laws or ordinances regulating building construction in the City;
E. Been issued repeated violation notices by the Director for violations of the OBC, this Building Code, the Zoning Code or the Housing Code, and failed to correct those notices in a timely fashion.
(c) When an applicant for a Certificate of Registration is a firm or corporation, at least one (1) member of that firm or corporation, shall individually be qualified for registration under the provisions of this section.
(Ord. No. 599-11. Passed 6-6-11, eff. 6-13-11)
(a) To obtain or renew a Limited Certificate of Registration for Refrigeration Operator or Fireplace Installer, the applicant shall:
(1) Be at least eighteen (18) years of age;
(2) Be a United States citizen;
(3) Maintain contractor’s liability insurance, including without limitation, completed operations coverage, in an amount providing for the payment of up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for one (1) person injured, and up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for injury to more than one (1) person in one (1) accident, resulting from doing the work authorized by the Certificate of Registration and up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for property damage in the course of doing the work authorized by the Certificate of Registration. The City shall be included as an additional insured. The insurance shall be issued by an insurance company duly authorized to do business and issue policies of insurance in the State of Ohio. The applicant shall provide proof of this insurance acceptable to the Director;
(4) Furnish and file with the Director a bond in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) to be approved as to form by the Director of Law, guaranteeing full and faithful compliance by the applicant with OBC and this Building Code and with pertinent rules and regulations promulgated under it, binding the surety to correct or abate any violation of OBC or this Building Code or of pertinent rules and regulations promulgated under them whenever the applicant for registration, named as the principal on the bond, refuses, neglects or fails to correct or abate the violation within a reasonable time limit set by the Director;
(5) Not have done any of the following:
A. Been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or of any felony less than three (3) years before application for said Certificate of Registration, unless a longer period is established by rules and regulations of the Director of Building and Housing;
B. Obtained or renewed a Certificate of Registration by fraud, misrepresentation or deception;
C. Engaged in fraud, misrepresentation or deception in the conduct of business;
D. Been convicted of repeated violations of the OBC or this Building Code or other laws or ordinances regulating building construction in the City;
E. Been issued repeated violation notices by the Director for violations of the OBC, this Building Code, the Zoning Code or the Housing Code, and failed to correct those notices in a timely fashion.
(6) If a Limited Certificate of Refrigeration Operator, be the owner or owner’s agent of the refrigeration system and be familiar with the operation and maintenance of the refrigeration system.
(b) When an applicant for a Limited Certificate Registration is a firm or corporation, at least one (1) member of that firm or corporation, shall individually be qualified for registration under the provisions of this section.
(Ord. No. 599-11. Passed 6-6-11, eff. 6-13-11)