(a) To obtain or renew a Limited Certificate of Registration for Refrigeration Operator or Fireplace Installer, the applicant shall:
(1) Be at least eighteen (18) years of age;
(2) Be a United States citizen;
(3) Maintain contractor’s liability insurance, including without limitation, completed operations coverage, in an amount providing for the payment of up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for one (1) person injured, and up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for injury to more than one (1) person in one (1) accident, resulting from doing the work authorized by the Certificate of Registration and up to fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) for property damage in the course of doing the work authorized by the Certificate of Registration. The City shall be included as an additional insured. The insurance shall be issued by an insurance company duly authorized to do business and issue policies of insurance in the State of Ohio. The applicant shall provide proof of this insurance acceptable to the Director;
(4) Furnish and file with the Director a bond in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) to be approved as to form by the Director of Law, guaranteeing full and faithful compliance by the applicant with OBC and this Building Code and with pertinent rules and regulations promulgated under it, binding the surety to correct or abate any violation of OBC or this Building Code or of pertinent rules and regulations promulgated under them whenever the applicant for registration, named as the principal on the bond, refuses, neglects or fails to correct or abate the violation within a reasonable time limit set by the Director;
(5) Not have done any of the following:
A. Been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or of any felony less than three (3) years before application for said Certificate of Registration, unless a longer period is established by rules and regulations of the Director of Building and Housing;
B. Obtained or renewed a Certificate of Registration by fraud, misrepresentation or deception;
C. Engaged in fraud, misrepresentation or deception in the conduct of business;
D. Been convicted of repeated violations of the OBC or this Building Code or other laws or ordinances regulating building construction in the City;
E. Been issued repeated violation notices by the Director for violations of the OBC, this Building Code, the Zoning Code or the Housing Code, and failed to correct those notices in a timely fashion.
(6) If a Limited Certificate of Refrigeration Operator, be the owner or owner’s agent of the refrigeration system and be familiar with the operation and maintenance of the refrigeration system.
(b) When an applicant for a Limited Certificate Registration is a firm or corporation, at least one (1) member of that firm or corporation, shall individually be qualified for registration under the provisions of this section.
(Ord. No. 599-11. Passed 6-6-11, eff. 6-13-11)
(a) The Director may revoke or suspend a Certificate of Registration or a Limited Certificate of Registration for any of the following reasons:
(1) The holder is convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or a felony during the renewal period of that Certificate of Registration;
(2) The holder obtained a Certificate by fraud, misrepresentation or deception;
(3) The holder obtained a license from the Ohio Construction Industry Examining Board by fraud, misrepresentation or deception;
(4) The holder engaged in fraud, misrepresentation or deception in the conduct of business;
(5) The holder no longer holds a valid or unexpired license from the Ohio Construction Industry Examining Board in the trade for which the holder is registered;
(6) The holder no longer has a valid policy for the required insurance;
(7) The holder used its Certificate of Registration to obtain a permit for another;
(8) The holder repeatedly failed to secure permits, inspections, and approvals required by OBC or this Building Code;
(9) The holder repeatedly installed work in an unworkmanlike manner as defined in this Building Code or not in conformity with permits issued;
(10) The holder repeatedly has been notified of violations of OBC or this Building Code and, has failed or refused to promptly correct an installation or part of it;
(11) There have been repeated incidents of returned checks for insufficient funds or stop payment without just cause.
(b) No Certificate or Limited Certificate of Registration may be suspended or revoked until the Director gives notice to the registrant and holds a hearing at which the registrant may appear in person or be represented by counsel.
(c) A Certificate or Limited Certificate of Registration may be suspended for a prescribed period not to exceed six (6) months, and the notice of suspension may require the person whose registration is suspended to correct work improperly installed or correct any other condition because of which such registration was suspended. Upon correction, the Certificate may be reinstated unless a new period of suspension is imposed for cause, or the registration is revoked.
(d) Whenever the OCIEB revokes or suspends a license of a holder of a Certificate of Registration upon which the Certificate is based, the holder shall immediately surrender his/her Certificate to the Director until which time the license is reinstated by the OCIEB.
(e) Whenever the Director revokes or suspends a Certificate or Limited Certificate of Registration, the holder shall immediately cease any work that requires the issuance of a permit, except that work that is involved with the correction of a violation of the OBC or this Building Code and that work that is already in progress.
(f) Whenever the Director recommends the suspension or revocation of a Certificate or Limited Certificate of Registration, he or she shall either personally serve or send notice to the registrant via registered mail detailing the reasons for the suspension or revocation, the length of the suspension, whether or when a registrant whose Registration has been revoked may apply for reinstatement, and the date the order becomes effective. During suspension or revocation, the registrant may not obtain permits based on the revoked or suspended Certificate of Registration.
(Ord. No. 1190-04. Passed 8-11-04, eff. 8-17-04)
(a) Journeyman Plumbers. A Certificate of Qualification for Journeyman Plumber shall be granted only to persons who:
(1) Have had at least three (3) years experience as a plumber’s apprentice, or the equivalent thereof in training or education;
(2) Satisfactorily complete an examination as approved by the Director, which examination shall establish to the satisfaction of the Director that the applicant has a working knowledge of the ordinances and codes governing the installation of plumbing in the City and State and possesses the theoretical and technical knowledge necessary to make plumbing installations in conformity therewith. Unless modified by the Director with the approval of the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals, the most current IPC version of “Journeyman Plumbing with Gas” exam modified to incorporate the Ohio Plumbing Code as administered by Experior Assessments, LLC of St. Paul, MN (the testing agency) shall be the accepted exam for the Certificate of Qualification for Journeyman Plumber. Applicants must pay all related fees and make all arrangements directly with the testing agency. Applicants shall furnish the original notice of approval from the testing agency to the Director as evidence of a passing score on said exam;
(3) Include in the application, a statement of schooling, training, and experience, insofar as it is pertinent to the application, specifying under experience specific jobs with dates, the length of time devoted to each job and the name of the employer or other responsible person with direct knowledge of the character and quality of the work performed by the applicant.
(b) Limited Premises Electrical Maintenance. To obtain or renew a Certificate of Qualification for Limited Premises Electrical Maintenance, the applicant shall:
(1) Satisfactorily complete an examination as approved by the Director, which examination shall establish to the satisfaction of the Director that the applicant has a working knowledge of the ordinances and codes governing electrical maintenance in the City and State and possesses the theoretical and technical knowledge necessary to perform electrical maintenance in conformity therewith. Unless modified by the Director with the approval of the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals, the most current NEC version of “Electrical Maintenance” exam as administered by Experior Assessments, LLC of St. Paul, MN (the testing agency) shall be the accepted exam for the Certificate of Qualification for Limited Premises Electrical Maintenance. Applicants must pay all related fees and make all arrangements directly with the testing agency. Applicants shall furnish the original notice of approval from the testing agency to the Director as evidence of a passing score on the exam;
(2) Be at least eighteen (18) years of age;
(3) Be a United States citizen;
(4) Not have done any of the following:
A. Have been convicted of or pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or of any felony less than three (3) years before application for said Certificate of Qualification, unless a longer period is established by rules and regulations of the Director of Building and Housing;
B. Have obtained or renewed a Certificate of Qualification by fraud, misrepresentation or deception;
C. Have engaged in fraud, misrepresentation or deception in the conduct of business;
D. Have been convicted of repeated violations of the OBC or this Building Code or other laws or ordinances regulating building construction in the City;
E. Have been issued repeated violation notices by the Director for violations of the OBC, this Building Code, the Zoning Code or the Housing Code, and failed to correct those notices in a timely fashion.
(5) Include in the application, a statement of schooling, training, and experience, insofar as it is pertinent to the application, specifying under experience specific jobs with dates, the length of time devoted to each job, the name of the employer or other responsible person with direct knowledge of the character and quality of the work performed by the applicant.
(c) Picture Machine Operator. A Certificate of Qualification for Picture Machine Operator shall be granted only to persons who:
(1) Are at least eighteen (18) years of age:
(2) Satisfactorily complete an examination as approved by the Director, which examination shall establish to the satisfaction of the Director that the applicant has a working knowledge of the ordinances and codes governing the use and operation of picture machines in the City and State and possesses the theoretical and technical knowledge necessary to use and operate picture machines. Applicants shall pay all related fees and make all arrangements directly with the testing agency. Applicants shall furnish the original notice of approval from the testing agency to the director as evidence of a passing score on the exam.
(Ord. No. 1190-04. Passed 8-11-04, eff. 8-17-04)
(a) The Director may revoke or suspend a Certificate of Qualification for any of the following reasons:
(1) The holder obtained a Certificate by fraud, misrepresentation or deception;
(2) The holder repeatedly failed to secure permits, inspections, and approvals required by OBC or this Building Code;
(3) The holder repeatedly installed work in an unworkmanlike manner as defined in this Building Code or not in conformity with issued permits;
(4) The holder has been repeatedly notified of violations of OBC or this Building Code and, has failed or refused to promptly correct an installation or part of it;
(5) As to holders of a Certificate of Qualification for Picture Machine Operator, the holder has been repeatedly notified of violations of applicable provisions of the Codified Ordinances and has failed or refused to remedy the violation, if a remedy is possible.
(b) No Certificate of Qualification may be suspended or revoked until the Director gives notice to the registrant and holds a hearing at which the certificate holder may appear in person or be represented by counsel.
(c) A Certificate of Qualification may be suspended for a prescribed period not to exceed six (6) months, and the notice of suspension may require the person whose registration is suspended to correct work improperly installed or correct any other condition because of which such registration was suspended. Upon correction, the Certificate may be reinstated unless a new period of suspension is imposed for cause, or the Certificate is revoked.
(d) Whenever the Director recommends the suspension or revocation of a Certificate of Qualification, he or she shall personally serve or send notice to the Certificate holder via registered mail detailing the reasons for the suspension or revocation, the length of the suspension, whether or when a Certificate holder whose Certificate has been revoked may apply for reinstatement, and the date the order becomes effective.
(Ord. No. 377-03. Passed 5-19-03, eff. 5-27-03)
Note: Former 3107.11 repealed by Ord. No. 377-03, passed 5-19-03, eff. 5-27-03.
(a) Fees for Certificates of Registration, Limited Certificates of Registration and Certificates of Qualification and renewals shall be paid to the Director upon application for a Certificate.
(b) Fees shall not be refundable.
(c) Renewal fees shall be paid during the thirty (30) day period immediately preceding the expiration date of the Certificate.
(d) Where a renewal fee is required, a Certificate which has lapsed because of nonpayment of the renewal fee but which is otherwise valid may be renewed during the three (3) month period following the expiration date upon payment of an additional fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) for each month late but no Certification which has lapsed more than three (3) months shall be renewed.
(e) Fees for Certificates and renewals shall be as follows:
Initial Fee With Accepted Application
Renewal Fee
Certificates of Registration | $150.00 | $120.00 |
Limited Certificate of Registration for Fireplace Installer | $150.00 | $120.00 |
Limited Certificate of Registration for Refrigeration Operator | $30.00 | $30.00 |
Certificates of Qualification | $80.00 | $80.00 |
Certificate of Qualification for Picture Machine Operator | $30.00 | $30.00 |
(Ord. No. 377-03. Passed 5-19-03, eff. 5-27-03)
Note: Former 3107.12 repealed by Ord. No. 377-03, passed 5-19-03, eff. 5-27-03.