3121.01 Adoption and Purpose
3121.02 Amendments to Code – Repealed
Note: Ordinance No. 617-06, § 5, passed 5-8-06, eff. 5-12-06, renamed Chapter 3121 of the Codified Ordinances to the “Residential Building Code of Ohio for One, Two, or Three-Family Dwellings.”
Residential garages, CO 3123.08
Residential garages, CO 3123.08
Statutory reference:
Industrialized units, OAC 4101:1-1-17
State referenced codes, OAC 4101:1-35-01.2
Industrialized units, OAC 4101:1-1-17
State referenced codes, OAC 4101:1-35-01.2
The Residential Building Code of Ohio for One, Two, and Three-Family Dwellings (“Residential Code of Ohio” or “RCO”) as promulgated by the Ohio Board of Building standards, and as amended by the Ohio Board of Building Standards, is adopted and incorporated by the City of Cleveland as if fully restated. The Residential Code of Ohio is contained in OAC Chapter 4101:8.
(Ord. No. 617-06, § 4. Passed 5-8-06, eff. 5-12-06)
Note: Former Section 3121.01 was repealed by Ord. No. 617-06, § 3, passed 5-8-06, effective 5-12-06.