3137.01 Scope and Application
3137.02 Alterations
3137.03 Hazardous Installations
3137.04 Work Installed Not in Conformity with Code
3137.05 Permit Required
3137.06 Drawings Required
3137.07 Inspections, Tests and Approvals
3137.08 Energizing the System
3137.09 Switching and Metering
3137.10 Accident Notice
3137.11 Conformity With National Electrical Code
3137.12 Residential Electrical Rehabilitation
Note: The legislative history of this chapter, except where specifically noted at the end of a section, is as follows: Ordinance No. 1116-A-85, passed February 10, 1986.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) hereof, the provisions of this chapter shall govern the installation, alteration, replacement, maintenance and repair of all electrical wiring and equipment and of all parts thereof; the sale or offering for sale of electrical materials, supplies, devices, appliances, and/or equipment; and the operation and use of electrical systems, devices, and equipment in the City.
(b) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to:
(1) Electric public service organizations, insofar as electrical wiring and equipment is utilized for the generation and transmission of electrical energy, and for the distribution of electrical energy up to the service equipment located near the point of entrance of the supply conductors for the building or other structure; provided, however, that where the public service organization installs transformers or converters within a building or other structure to convert the current in the distribution lines to current having characteristics suitable for use in the wiring system of the premises served, such transformers or converters, and the supply conductors to such transformers or converters and from the transformers or converters to the service equipment, or part thereof, when installed by the public service organization, shall be deemed to be part of the distribution system of the public service organization and not subject to the provisions of this chapter, except that all such electrical wiring and installations within buildings or structures shall be made in conformity with the applicable provisions of NFiPA 70 entitled “National Electrical Code,” as listed in OAC Chapter 4101:2-46.
(2) Electric and steam railroads, insofar as electrical wiring and equipment is utilized for furnishing transportation.
(3) Signal or intelligence transmission public service organizations, insofar as electrical wiring and equipment is utilized for signal and intelligence transmission.
(a) Whenever alterations, repairs, or additions are made to existing electrical installations the provisions of this chapter and the OBBC, where applicable, shall apply to all new work; provided, however, that where the provisions of OBBC and this chapter require the use of materials or methods of installation which differ from that in an existing building or other structure, and where the existing installation is in a safe condition, the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals or the Ohio Board of Building Standards may approve the use of materials and installations corresponding to that existing within the building when it determines that the use of materials and methods of installation conforming to the provisions of OBBC or this chapter will not add materially to the safety of the installation, and that the installation as proposed will be adequately safe for the use and occupancy.
(b) The provisions of OBBC or this chapter shall not be interpreted to require alterations, replacements, or additions to electrical work or equipment installed prior to July 1, 1979 except where inspection and investigation by the Commissioner reveal the presence of a definite and serious hazard.
(c) The Commissioner shall determine that a definite and serious hazard exists only where the continued use of the electrical installation or equipment in question is, under customary or intended conditions of operation, demonstrably fire-hazardous, or demonstrably likely to cause injury or death from electrical shock.
(a) Whenever it is determined that an existing electrical installation or equipment is a definite and serious hazard, the Commissioner shall require the correction of conditions creating such hazard within a reasonable period of time, but not less than thirty (30) days, except when an immediate hazard exists. However, any alterations, replacements, or additions to existing wiring and equipment required for the correction of such serious hazard shall be limited to the minimum necessary for the reasonable reduction of the hazard. When an immediate hazard exists, the Commissioner shall require immediate action, or action within a lesser time period prescribed by him or her. Should conditions creating such serious hazard not be corrected within the prescribed time period, the Commissioner may disconnect, or order the disconnection, of electrical service to such electrical wiring and/or equipment.
(b) Whenever it is established by inspection that a definite and serious hazard may exist, the Commissioner may order the removal, or may remove, lath and plaster, boarding, or other obstructions which prevent adequate inspection of the existing installation, but only to the extent necessary for such inspection.
(c) Any person using, or causing another person to use electrical wiring or equipment which has been disconnected, or ordered disconnected, by the Commissioner, without the written authority to do so from the Commissioner, shall be deemed to be in violation of the provisions of OBBC or this Building Code and subject to the penalty provided therefor in Section 3103.99.