(a) The Director of Community Development is hereby authorized to adopt such written rules and regulations as may be necessary for the proper interpretations and enforcement of this Building Code. Such rules and regulations shall not conflict with or waive any of the provisions of this Building Code or of these Codified Ordinances. Such rules and regulations shall be submitted to the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals for approval, and no such rule or regulation shall be adopted without such approval. Failure of the Board to approve, disapprove or modify such rules and regulations within ninety (90) days after submission shall be deemed to constitute approval hereof.
(b) Such rules and regulations, upon adoption, shall be published in the City Record for two (2) consecutive weeks, and shall be in effect on and from fifteen (15) days after the second publication therein. Such rules and regulations shall have the force and effect of this Building Code, and shall continue in effect until revoked by the Director with the approval of the Board or by action of Council.
(a) No person shall fail to comply with any provision of OBC or this Building Code or any code adopted therein or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder or fail to comply with any lawful order issued thereunder, including but not limited to any notice to repair, rehabilitate or demolish a building or other structure or fail to comply with a notice requiring the abatement or removal of a violation or requiring compliance with any provision of this Building Code or cause or permit the same to be done.
(b) No person shall fail or neglect promptly to notify the administrative officer having jurisdiction that work under a permit issued pursuant to the provisions of OBC or this Building Code has been begun.
(c) No person shall perform any work or install any appliance, device or equipment without first obtaining the permit required therefor under OBC or this Building Code; nor refuse, neglect or fail to obtain any permit required under OBC or this Building Code for the storage, use or handling of a hazardous substance; nor block, wedge or otherwise hold in an open position any self-closing door required under OBC or this Building Code to be maintained in a normally closed position.
(d) No person shall perpetrate a fraud or misrepresent a material fact by reason of which any permit or approval required under OBC or this Building Code is obtained; nor pursue any trade or business or perform any work or service for which a license, certificate of registration or certificate of qualification is required under OBC or this Building Code without possessing such license or certificate.
(e) No person shall fail to comply with any stop work order issued under the provisions of this Building Code; nor refuse, neglect or fail to comply with a notice to repair, rehabilitate or demolish a building or other structure declared to be unsafe under the provisions of this Building Code; nor maintain a use or occupancy prohibited by this Building Code; nor refuse, neglect or fail to maintain stair enclosures, stairways, fire escapes, exit passageways or other required means of egress in a safe and usable condition as required by OBC or this Building Code.
(f) No person shall refuse, neglect or fail to comply with a written order issued under the provisions of this Building Code requiring the immediate abatement of a dangerous condition when immediate compliance with such order is essential for the public health, safety and welfare.
(g) No person shall convert any residential occupancy building or any part thereof by performing or causing to be performed any construction, repair or alteration in or for such building without first obtaining the required permit.
(h) No person shall fail to install, repair, or alter material or equipment in a workmanlike manner. For the purposes of this Building Code, workmanlike manner shall be defined as work that occurs in accordance with the standards set forth in the latest edition of the “Residential Construction Performance Guidelines for Professional Builders and Remodelers” as published by the National Association of Home Builders.
(i) No person shall fail to perform work in a workmanlike manner pursuant to division (h) of Section 3103.25.
(j) No person shall abandon work for more than ninety (90) days in a substantially incomplete state. For purposes of this Building Code, work that is abandoned for more than ninety (90) days in a substantially incomplete state shall be considered work that is not performed in a workmanlike manner pursuant to division (h) of Section 3103.25.
(Ord. No. 1039-2023. Passed 2-5-24, eff. 2-6-24)
(a) Whoever violates any provision of this Building Code for which no other penalty is provided or any rule or regulation or order promulgated thereunder, or any code adopted herein, or fails to comply with the lawful order issued pursuant thereto is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. Each day during which noncompliance or a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
(b) Whoever violates Sections 3103.10, 3103.091, 3105.01, 3105.02, 3105.05, 3109.11, 3125.01, 3101.11, 3113.03, 3113.10, 3113.16 or division (e) of Section 3101.10 as a first offense of those sections shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor. In addition to any other method of enforcement provided for in this chapter, the above listed minor misdemeanors may be enforced by the issuance of a citation in compliance with Rule 4.1 of the Ohio Rules of Criminal Procedure.
(c) Organizations convicted of an offense shall be fined as provided by RC 2901.23 and 2929.31.
(d) Whoever violates Sections 3101.11, 3103.091, 3113.03, 3113.10, 3113.16 or division (e) of Section 3101.10 as a second offense of those sections shall be guilty of a fourth degree misdemeanor. Whoever violates Sections 3101.11, 3103.091, 3113.03, 3113.10, 3113.16 or division (e) of Section 3101.10 as a third or subsequent offense of those sections shall be guilty of a first degree misdemeanor.
(e) A court of competent jurisdiction may require whoever is convicted of or pleads guilty to a violation of this Building Code, to pay to the City’s Department of Building and Housing, the fee for inspection of violations that have not been remedied, which fee is described in Sections 3103.09 and 3105.26, and the expenses or costs incurred under Section 3103.09 for the removal, repair, alteration, securing or boarding of a building or structure and under Section 3103.091 for termination of utility services.
(Ord. No. 1112-A-07. Passed 6-2-08, eff. 6-2-08)