3123.01   Miscellaneous Occupancy Defined
3123.02   Zoning
3123.03   Yard Regulations
3123.04   Height and Area Restrictions
3123.05   Location on Property
3123.06   Protection of Vertical Openings
3123.07   Protection of Openings in Exterior Walls
3123.08   Garages
3123.09   Erection of Tents; Permits
3123.10   Pedestrian Barriers
   Note: The legislative history of this chapter, except where specifically noted at the end of a section, is as follows: Ordinance No. 1116-A-85, passed February 10, 1986.
Statutory reference:
   Special use and occupancy, OAC Ch. 4101:2-6
§ 3123.01 Miscellaneous Occupancy Defined
   (a)   For the purposes of this Building Code, “miscellaneous occupancy classification” includes miscellaneous minor buildings and other structures of a nonhazardous use or occupancy, not exceeding six hundred fifty (650) square feet in area for private garages or one thousand (1,000) square feet in area for other buildings or structures, used as an accessory use to a main use of the premises, including:
   Private stables or barns;
   Private garages (not over six hundred fifty (650) square feet in area);
   Garden houses;
   Tool sheds.
   (b)   Miscellaneous occupancy classification also includes buildings and other structures not over one thousand (1,000) square feet in ground area used for the following or similar purposes:
   Band stands;
   Water tanks;
Structures supporting water tanks, and similar structures for utilitarian or decorative purposes and not intended for human occupancy, and not classified as high hazard occupancy or a hazardous use.