19.76.100   Guest houses.
   A guest house may have direct access to the main dwelling but shall not provide any required housing features of the main dwelling. A guest house is intended to provide temporary(30 days or less) quarters within a detached residential accessory structure, located on the same premises with the main dwelling, for use by guests of the occupants of the premises, and shall not be rented or otherwise used as a separate dwelling.
   A.   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to regulate the placement, size, use, and allowance of guest houses within the City.
   B.   Development Standards. The location and construction of guest houses shall comply with the following standards:
      1.   Only one guest house shall be allowed on a single parcel of record;
      2.   The guest house shall:
         a.   Not be provided with separate metered utilities or a separate address;
         b.   Not contain more than one bathroom;
         c.   Not contain a kitchen or other cooking facilities, including a microwave oven, hot plate, or toaster oven;
         d.   Not exceed 250 square feet of livable floor area;
         e.   Not exceed the allowable site coverage for the zoning district;
         f.   Not be separately rented or leased from the main dwelling, whether compensation is direct or indirect;
         g.   Be designed to ensure visual harmony, consistency, and compatibility with the main dwelling on the site and with other residential structures in the area; and
         h.   Not exceed 15 feet in height or be more than one story. A use permit approved in compliance with Chapter 19.24 may authorize a greater height when the guest house is proposed over a one-story structure, including a detached garage, and when the guest house will provide visual harmony, consistency, and compatibility with the main dwelling.
(Ord. 2185, Ord. 2440 §53, Ord. 2494 §52)