A. Noise Control. Noise shall be controlled at the source through berms, buffer yards, insulation, structure design and orientation, staggered operating hours, and other techniques. Where necessary, noise barriers shall attenuate noise to acceptable levels and the barriers shall be landscaped to reduce any negative visual impacts on the community, in compliance with the Noise Element of the General Plan. All development shall comply with Chapter 9.38 (Noise) of the Municipal Code.
B. Manufacturing Noise Levels. Manufacturing uses shall comply with Section 19.46.040-B-4 (Manufacturing/Industrial zoning district performance standards), where applicable.
C. Railroad Noise Buffers. Noise buffers or sound attenuation shall be installed for all new adjacent residential developments in compliance with the Noise Element of the General Plan.
(Ord. 2185, Ord. 2440 §40)