19.76.020   Accessory uses and structures.
   A.   Accessory Uses. An accessory use shall be allowed only in conjunction with a main use to which it relates under the same regulations as the main use in any zoning district.
   B.   Commercial and Industrial Accessory Uses and Structures. Commercial and industrial accessory uses and structures may be permitted in compliance with Chapter 19.18 (Architectural Review and Site Design) and are subject to the following general requirements:
      1.   All detached accessory structures are subject to the development standards established by the applicable zoning district including setbacks, height, and site coverage. Detached accessory structures shall be architecturally compatible with, and located to the rear or sides of, primary structures.
      2.   Detached or portable storage units and refrigeration facilities are subject to the following standards:
         a.   Located to the rear or sides of primary structures and screened from public views.
         b.   May not exceed 10 percent of the gross floor area of the primary structure.
         c.   Allowed for a maximum of 12 months unless placed within a permanent outside storage yard in compliance with Section 19.60.060 (Fencing and screening).
   C.   Accessory Retail Uses. Accessory retail uses are allowed, provided there will be only minor external evidence of any commercial activity other than the main use of the site. Access to any space used for the accessory retail use shall be from within the structure.
   D.   Residential Accessory Uses and Structures. When allowed, specific residential accessory uses and structures are subject to the provisions of this section. Residential accessory structures include any structure that is customarily related to a residence, including garages, greenhouses, storage sheds, studios, swimming pools, spas, workshops, and similar structures.
      1.   General Requirements. All accessory uses and structures are subject to the following standards, except where more restrictive requirements are established by other provisions of this section for specific uses.
         a.   Relationship of Accessory Use to Main Use. Accessory uses and structures shall be incidental to and not alter the character of the site from that created by the main use.
         b.   Attached Structures. Where an accessory structure is attached to the main structure in a substantial manner, as by shared roofline or wall, such accessory structure shall be considered part of the principal structure.
         c.   Detached Structures. Where an accessory structure is detached, it shall comply with all the requirements of this chapter:
            (1)   Design. Detached accessory structures shall be compatible with the materials and architecture of the main dwelling(s) on the property.
            (2)   Setback Requirements. Setback requirements shall be as provided by Table 5-9 (Required Setbacks - Accessory Uses and Structures).
Figure 5-15
            (3)   Breezeway Requirements. A breezeway may be allowed to provide shelter between a detached accessory structure and the main dwelling when designed and constructed as a covered passageway which does not exceed 10 feet in width and has at least one side open, except for necessary supporting columns. For the purposes of this chapter, a breezeway shall not constitute attachment of an accessory structure to the main dwelling as a sole means of connection.
            (4)   Coverage. Detached accessory structures shall be calculated in the overall site coverage.
            (5)   Deed Restriction. In order to insure code compliance and prohibit the illegal conversion of residential accessory structures to Accessory Dwelling Units, all applicants must provide to the satisfaction of the Director, a recorded document stating the intended use of the accessory structure is not to be a dwelling unit and that any future conversion to a dwelling unit shall be done so in compliance with Section 19.76.130 (Accessory Dwelling Units).
      2.   Antennas. Antennas are subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.78 (Wireless Telecommunications Facilities).
      3.   Garages. A detached garage shall have direct vehicular access on an improved all-weather surface from the public right of way and shall not occupy more than 700 square feet for each dwelling unit, including any workshop or storage space within the garage. A larger floor area may be authorized by the Director with an administrative use permit, in compliance with Chapter 19.25. The floor area of a garage that is attached to a main structure is not limited, except by overall site coverage limits, and building or fire code.
      4.   Guest Houses. See Section 19.76.100 (Guest houses).
      5.   Home Occupations. Home occupations are subject to the requirements of Chapter 19.20 (Home Occupation Permits).
      6.   Accessory Dwelling Units. Regulations for residential accessory units are located in Section 19.76.130 (Accessory dwelling units).
      7.   Swimming Pools/Spas/Hot Tubs. Private swimming pools, spas, and hot tubs are allowed as accessory uses to approved residential uses on the same site, subject to the following provisions:
         a.   Limitation on Use. The pool is to be used solely by occupants of the dwellings on the same site and their invited guests.
         b.   Fencing. The swimming pool shall be secured by fencing and/or building walls to prevent uncontrolled access by children, in compliance with Title 16R (Building Standards).
      c.   Reduced front or side yard setbacks may be permitted through the use permit process in accordance with Section 19.60.090 F.
      8.   Tennis and Other Recreational Courts. Non-commercial outdoor tennis courts and courts for other sports, including basketball and racquetball, accessory to a residential use are subject to the following requirements:
         a.   Fencing. Recreational court fencing shall comply with all building code requirements.
         b.   Lighting. Court lighting shall not exceed a maximum height of 16 feet, measured from the court surface. The lighting shall be directed downward, shall only illuminate the court, and shall not illuminate adjacent property, in compliance with Section 19.60.050 (Exterior lighting).
Single-Family Detached Homes
Accessory Use/Structure
Type of Setback (1)
Required Setback (2)
Height Limits
Size Limits
Gazebo, trellis, greenhouse, patio cover, storage shed, workshop, recreation room
Street side
3 ft.
10 ft. or as required for main structure.
5 ft.; 0 ft. for structures adjacent to an alley.
15 ft.
25 ft. with use permit approval
25% of the size of the main structure. (4)
Garage or carport
Street side
20 ft. (3)
4 ft.
10 ft. or as required for main structure.
5 ft. (5)
15 ft.;
25 ft. with use permit approval;
25 ft. for garages with a second-floor dwelling unit;
700 sq. ft.
Swimming pool, spa, pool and spa equipment, outdoor play equipment, stationary barbecue, fire pit, air conditioning equipment, ground-based antennas, ground-mounted solar arrays
Street side
3 ft.
As required for main structure.
3 ft.   
(See also 19.60.090 F.4)
Multi-Family, Attached/Detached
Accessory Use/Structure
Type of Setback (1)
Required Setback (2)
Air conditioning equipment, pool and spa equipment, ground- based antennas
Street side
3 ft.
As required for main structure.
3 ft.
Gazebo, trellis, greenhouse, patio cover, storage shed, workshop, recreation room
Street side
3 ft.
10 ft. or as required for main structure.
5 ft.
Garage or carport (3)
Street side
20 ft.
4 ft.
10 ft. or as required for main structure.
5 ft.
Swimming pool, spa, outdoor play equipment
(See also 19.60.090 F.4)
Street side
5 ft.
3 ft.
As required for main structure.
5 ft.
Stationary barbecue, fire pit
Street side
3 ft.
3 ft.
3 ft.
3 ft.
   (1)   Where a parcel is situated so that the front, side, or rear property lines are not readily determinable, required setbacks shall be established by the Director.
   (2)   In no case shall a structure, projection, or equipment be placed or occur beyond the property lines of the subject parcel. No accessory structures shall be located in a front yard setback or closer than 10 feet from any property line adjoining a public street.
   (3)   To ensure an adequate space for off-street parking in residential zoning districts, the face of a garage entrance, situated approximately parallel to the lot line, shall be set back a minimum of 20 feet from the property line providing driveway access.
   (4)   Additional floor area may be approved with an administrative use permit.
   (5)   Garage may be located on rear or side property line abutting an alley where the Director determines that adequate turning radius and backup area will be provided.
(Ord. 2397 §13, Ord. 2435 §42, Ord. 2439 §188, Ord. 2519 §30)
      9.   Workshops, Studios, Greenhouses, or Recreation Rooms.
         a.   Limitation on Use. An accessory structure may be constructed or used as a workshop, studio, greenhouse, or recreation room in any residential zoning district solely for hobbies or amusements; for maintenance of the main structure or yards; for horticulture; for artistic endeavors, including painting, photography, or sculpture; for maintenance or mechanical work on vehicles owned or operated by the occupants; or for other similar purposes; and
         b.   Floor Area. A workshop, studio, greenhouse, or recreation room shall not occupy an area larger than 25 percent of the floor area of the main structure and shall comply with site coverage requirements. Additional floor area may be approved with an administrative use permit, in compliance with Chapter 19.25 (Administrative Use Permits).
(Ord. 2185; Ord. 2243, Ord. 2364 §399, Ord. 2435 §41, Ord. 2494 §48, Ord. 2511, §13, Ord. 2519 §30, Ord. 2600)