19.76.170   Temporary dwellings.
   A temporary dwelling unit permit may be issued by the Director pursuant to Chapter 19.22.040 to allow a temporary dwelling facility, including a detached mobile or manufactured home which is nonmotorized and not permanently attached to a foundation, to be placed on a legal parcel in all residential zoning districts for the purpose of caring for an ill, convalescent, or otherwise disabled relative or friend, subject to the following:
   A.   A temporary dwelling facility shall only be allowed on a parcel with an existing main dwelling.
   B.   Occupancy of the temporary unit shall be limited to a close relative or friend of the occupants of the main dwelling. No more than two people may occupy the temporary unit.
   C.   No rent shall be charged to the occupants of the temporary unit.
   D.   The temporary unit shall be no larger than one bedroom and 640 square feet.
   E.   The temporary unit shall provide complete independent living facilities, including provisions for cooking, eating, living, sleeping, and sanitation, unless otherwise approved by the Director.
   F.   The initial term of the permit shall be for one year. After the first year, the Director may authorize one year extensions upon verification that the approved occupants continue to reside on the premises in a manner which necessitates extended use of the temporary unit, and upon determining that use of the temporary unit continues to meet the purpose and criteria of this section.
   G.   The temporary unit shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system.
   H.   The temporary unit, authorized in compliance with this section, shall not be considered a separate residential unit for the purpose of calculating development impact fees, including park fees and sewer system connection fees, and determining off-street parking requirements.
   I.   The temporary unit shall be subject to setback requirements for an accessory structure, except that the Director may require additional site requirements when necessary to mitigate any identified adverse impacts upon neighboring residents.
   J.   The temporary dwelling unit permit shall expire immediately if the persons requiring care for any reason cease to reside in the temporary dwelling. Following expiration, the temporary dwelling facility shall be removed within 120 days.
(Ord. 2185, Ord. 2494 §56)