19.76.070   Drive-in and drive-through facilities.
   Any retail trade or service use providing drive-in or drive-through facilities shall be designed and operated to effectively mitigate problems of air pollution, congestion, excessive pavement, litter, noise, and appearance in the following manner:
   A.   Pedestrian walkways should not intersect the drive-through drive aisles, but where they do, they shall have clear visibility, and be emphasized by enhanced paving or markings.
   B.   Drive-through aisles shall have a minimum 15-foot interior radius at curves and a minimum 12-foot width. Each drive-through entrance and exit shall be at least 100 feet from an intersection of public rights-of-way, measured at the closest intersecting curbs, and at least 25 feet from the curb cut on the adjacent property, unless otherwise approved by the Director. Also, each entrance to an aisle and the direction of flow shall be clearly designated by signs and/or pavement markings or raised curbs outside of the public right-of-way.
   C.   Each drive-through aisle shall provide sufficient stacking area at a minimum of 20 feet per vehicle in advance of the service window or automated teller machine (ATM), to accommodate a minimum of four vehicles for pharmacies, banks, and financial services or six vehicles for all other drive-through uses.. In lieu of this standard, an interior traffic study which models vehicular queuing may be prepared for City staff review. The stacking area shall not interfere with other on-site circulation and parking facilities.
   D.   The provision of drive-through service facilities shall not justify a reduction in the number of required off-street parking spaces.
   E.   All service areas, trash storage areas, and ground-mounted and roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from ground-level view from adjacent properties or public rights-of-way.
   F.   Menu boards shall not exceed 24 square feet in area, with a maximum height of 6 feet, and shall face away from public rights-of-way. Outdoor speakers shall be located at least 50 feet from any residentially zoned parcel. Noise levels measured at the property line of a drive-in or drive-through facility shall not increase the existing ambient noise levels in the surrounding area.
   G.   Each drive-through aisle shall be include a combination of landscaping, low walls, and/or berms to prevent headlight glare and to reduce visibility of vehicles from impacting adjacent streets and parking lots.
   H.   An 8-foot-high solid decorative wall shall be constructed on each property line that is adjoining a residentially zoned parcel. The design of the wall and the proposed construction materials shall be subject to architectural review.
(Ord. 2185, Ord. 2440 §51, Ord. 2494 §50)