(a) In addition to the other categories of licenses authorized under this chapter, the local liquor control commissioner may issue consumption on premises – incidental activity licenses authorizing the sale or service of alcoholic liquor at Lakefront Venues in accordance with this section. Such consumption on premises – incidental activity license shall be known as a Lakefront Venue liquor license, and any person holding such a license shall be known as a Lakefront Venue liquor licensee. A separate license shall be necessary for each outdoor location from which sales of alcoholic liquor are made on Chicago Park District property or within Millennium Park. In addition to the information required under Section 4-60-040, an application for a Lakefront Venue liquor license shall include: (1) the written consent of the Chicago Park District for locations on Chicago Park District property or Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events for Millennium Park; (2) designation of the specific site at which the applicant intends to sell alcoholic liquor; (3) areas that are not part of a restaurant or tavern; (4) designation of the location at which the licensee will clean glasses and utensils used in the service of alcoholic liquor. The fee for a Lakefront Venue liquor license shall be as set forth in Section 4-5-010. A Lakefront Venue license may be issued notwithstanding the underlying zoning of the park property of the location for which a license is sought.
(b) A Lakefront Venue liquor license shall be subject to all provisions of this chapter with the following exceptions:
(1) Subsections (e) and (f) and the 35-day review period in subsection (h) of Section 4-60-040.
(2) Toilet facilities on Chicago Park District property available for public use within the same park area of the proposed location of the Lakefront Venue license shall be deemed to comply with the toilet facilities requirement in subsection (a) of Section 4-60-100.
(3) A Lakefront Venue liquor licensee shall not be required to maintain facilities for cleaning glasses and utensils at the point of sale as otherwise required under subsection (a) of Section 4-60-100, if the licensee serves food and alcoholic liquor only in disposable containers.
(c) No more than 29 Lakefront Venue liquor licenses shall be issued during any license period. Locations eligible for Lakefront Venue licenses for sale of beer, wine and spirits: Oak Street Beach; the Sidney Marovitz Golf Course; Berger Park; the Theater on the Lake Building in Lincoln Park; Southfield House in Lincoln Park; the Jackson Park Golf Course club house; Grant Park, at the southern portion of the Daley Bicentennial Plaza; Burnham Harbor, near the harbor master’s office; the upper level of the beach house at North Avenue Beach; the concrete pad located about 10 feet northwest of the beach house at North Avenue Beach; three locations in Millennium Park, including a restaurant and up to two locations on or adjacent to the Chase Promenade Central; the Lincoln Park Zoo; Northerly Island; South Shore Golf Course; Ohio Street Beach in Olive Park; Calumet Beach House in Calumet Park; Diversey Driving Range and Miniature Golf Course; Waveland Clock Tower Building in Lincoln Park; Osterman Beach House in Lincoln Park; DuSable Harbor Building; North Rose Garden at Buckingham Fountain; Diversey Grill in Lincoln Park; Montrose Beach House in Lincoln Park; South Shore Cultural Center; 31st Street Boathouse in Burnham Park; 63rd Street Beach House in Jackson Park; and 87th Street Harbor.
(d) No Lakefront Venue liquor licensee may serve or permit the service of alcoholic liquor outdoors between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 a.m.; provided, however, that a Lakefront Venue liquor licensee whose license allows sale of alcoholic liquor within Millennium Park and Northerly Island may not serve or permit the service of alcoholic liquor between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 11:00 a.m.
(e) No Lakefront Venue liquor licensee shall sell or offer for sale any package goods.
(f) Notwithstanding section 10-36-100 of this Code, alcoholic liquor sold or served in a Lakefront Venue pursuant to a valid Lakefront Venue liquor license may be consumed in the Lakefront Venue where such alcoholic liquor was sold or served.
(Added Coun. J. 7-21-99, p. 9076; Amend Coun. J. 3-28-01, p. 55781, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 6-19-02, p. 88690, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 11-5-03, p. 10717, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 6-8-05, p. 50250, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 5-9-07, p. 105044, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 5-12-10, p. 91358, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 11951, Art. X, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 4-19-17, p. 48180, Art. III, § 6; Amend Coun. J. 2-23-22, p. 45032, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 3-20-24, p. 10324, § 1)
(a) In addition to the other categories of licenses authorized under this chapter, the local liquor control commissioner may issue consumption on premises – incidental activity licenses authorizing the sale or service of alcoholic liquor at Chicago Riverwalk venues in accordance with this section. Such consumption on premises – incidental activity license shall be known as a Riverwalk Venue liquor license, and any person holding such a license shall be known as a Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee. Provided, however, that no Riverwalk Venue liquor license shall be issued under this section unless: (1) the applicant holds a valid retail food establishment license and a valid retail consumption on premises liquor license at another location within the city; or (2) if the applicant does not hold a valid retail food establishment license and a valid retail consumption on premises liquor license at another location within the city, the location identified in the liquor license application has adequate plumbing facilities within the meaning of Section 7-38-030 and otherwise complies with all requirements of this Code applicable to retail food establishments under Article I of Chapter 7-38 of this Code, including all rules promulgated thereunder by the Commissioner of Public Health.
(b) A separate Riverwalk Venue liquor license shall be required for each outdoor location from which sales of alcoholic liquor are made on the Chicago Riverwalk. In addition to the information required under Section 4-60-040, an application for a Riverwalk Venue liquor license shall: (1) designate the specific site at which the applicant intends to sell alcoholic liquor; (2) designate any area where liquor will be sold, if such area is not part of a restaurant or tavern; and (3) designate the location at which the licensee will clean glasses and utensils used in the service of alcoholic liquor. The fee for a Riverwalk Venue liquor license shall be as set forth in Section 4-5-010.
(c) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (k) of this section, Riverwalk Venue liquor licenses may authorize the sale of beer, wine and spirits at the approved location. Persons holding a Riverwalk Venue liquor license are authorized to serve alcoholic liquor indoors and outdoors at the approved location. Any approved location outdoors where alcoholic liquor is sold or served shall be clearly demarcated in a manner that effectively isolates such location from thru-traffic by nonpatrons of the licensed venue.
(d) A Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee shall be subject to all provisions of this chapter with the following exceptions:
(2) A Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee shall not be required to maintain facilities for cleaning glasses and utensils at the point of sale as otherwise required under subsection (a) of Section 4-60-100, if the licensee serves food and alcoholic liquor in disposable containers only.
(e) A Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee shall: (1) maintain at the licensed venue adequate handicap- accessible portable toilet and hand-washing facilities distributed equally between genders and consisting of water closets or chemical closets equipped with a sink or hand-sanitizer-gel-dispensers; and (2) comply with all the health, sanitary and inspection requirements of Chapter 4-8 of this code. Provided, however, that item (1) of this subsection shall not apply if the licensed venue has toilet and hand-washing facilities meeting the applicable requirements of Sections 18-29-403.1 through 18-29-403.6 and Section 18-29-404.
(f) No Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee shall serve or permit the service of alcoholic liquor outdoors between the hours of 11:00 P.M. and 11:00 A.M.
(g) (1) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection (g), no Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee shall sell or offer for sale any package goods.
(2) A Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee shall be permitted to sell or offer for sale packaged wine if the packaged wine is: (i) produced or manufactured by the licensee only, at a properly licensed location in Chicago other than the Chicago Riverwalk, by a business licensed to sell food and alcohol on the Chicago Riverwalk; and (ii) available only for purchase at the business location in Chicago where the packaged wine was produced or manufactured, or at any of the business's other Chicago locations, including its licensed location on the Chicago Riverwalk; and (iii) sold in a corked, unbroken and sealed 750 milliliter ("ml") glass bottle with an alcohol concentration between 5 percent and 20 percent; and (iv) affixed with a federally approved label; and (v) sold or offered for sale in compliance with all applicable Federal, State and local laws pertaining to such sales or offers; and (vi) purchased during the Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee's normal business hours, but, in no event, before 11:00 A.M. or after 9:00 P.M.; and (vii) before completion of any sale, placed for transport in an opaque carryout bag provided by the licensee; and (viii) not accompanied by the sale, giveaway or distribution of any drinking container or corkscrew or other opening device. It shall be unlawful for any Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee to sell or to offer for sale packaged wine in violation of any requirement set forth in items (i) through (viii), inclusive, of this paragraph (2). In addition, Riverwalk Venue liquor licensees who sell or offer for sale packaged wine at their licensed venue shall have an affirmative duty to: (A) train their service staff to inform customers that it is illegal to drink alcoholic liquor on the Chicago Riverwalk, and (B) to post legible and clearly visible signage, in a conspicuous place on all venue exits and in each bay of operation, stating that: "All retail wine purchases are for off-site consumption only – No open containers beyond this point."
(h) No Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee shall sell or offer for sale any food other than prepackaged and non-perishable foods as defined in Section 4-8-010, unless: (1) such food is prepared at a venue holding a valid retail food establishment license under Chapter 4-8 and the venue at which such food is prepared meets the requirements of Article I of Chapter 7-28 of this Code, including all rules promulgated thereunder by the Commissioner of Public Health; or (2) the location identified in the liquor license application has adequate plumbing facilities within the meaning of Section 7-38-030 and otherwise complies with all requirements of this Code applicable to retail food establishments under Article I of Chapter 7-38 of this Code, including all rules promulgated thereunder by the Commissioner of Public Health. Foods prepared at a venue meeting the requirements of item (1) of this subsection may be refrigerated or heated, as applicable, and sold or offered for sale at a venue licensed under this section, if the applicable food handling and sanitation requirements set forth in Sections 7-38-005 through 7-38-025 are met. In addition, unless a Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee has a valid retail food establishment license for a Riverwalk Venue, no Riverwalk Venue licensee shall sell or offer for sale any food at a Chicago Riverwalk Venue without obtaining a multiple special events food license and, otherwise complying with Section 4-8-040 and all applicable rules.
(i) No Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee shall sell or serve alcoholic liquor on the licensed premises unless regular food service is also available to patrons at all times that alcoholic liquor is sold or served. All drinks containing alcoholic liquor shall be served and consumed on site.
(j) No Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee shall allow seating at any bar located outdoors. Service bars only may be provided outdoors. Bars with seating may be provided indoors.
(k) No Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee shall sell or serve spirits by the bottle.
(l) No Riverwalk Venue liquor licensee shall broadcast music, announcements or other disruptive sounds or offer live music or entertainment between 8:30 P.M and 11:00 A.M., or violate any limitation on noise or vibrations set forth in Chapter 11-4 of this Code. Provided, however, that emergency broadcasts may be made.
(m) For purposes of this section:
"Approved location" means the location identified in the site plan submitted and approved for use in the original license application, unless notice of any proposed change is given to the department, 30 days in advance of the proposed change, and the proposed change is approved by the local liquor control commissioner.
"Chicago Riverwalk" has the meaning ascribed to the term in section 2-32-1300(a).
"Heated" means warmed in or on an oven, microwave, indoor or outdoor barbeque grill or similar object.
"Retail food establishment license" means a license issued under Chapter 4-8 of this Code.
"Spirits" has the meaning ascribed to the term in Section 3-44-020.
(Added Coun. J. 1-9-08, p. 18918, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 11-8-12, p. 38872, § 55; Amend Coun. J. 3-13-13, 47545, § 1002; Amend Coun. J. 4-15-15, 106578, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 9-24-15, p. 6982, § 1; Amend Coun. J. 10-28-15, p. 11951, Art. X, § 8; Amend Coun. J. 4-19-17, p. 48180, Art. III, § 7; Amend Coun. J. 2-24-21, p. 27657, Art. III, § 13)
(a) For purposes of this section:
"Fixed point-of-sale" means a booth, kiosk, tent or other location that is stationary for the duration of an event during which the sale and service of alcohol is allowed.
"Residential building" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 17-17-02146.
"Retail food establishment license" means a license issued under Chapter 4-8 of this code.
"Sports Plaza" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 4-160-010.
(b) In addition to the other categories of licenses authorized under this chapter, the local liquor control commissioner is authorized to issue Sports Plaza Venue liquor licenses. Eligibility for the Sports Plaza Venue liquor license shall be limited to applicants who hold a valid retail food establishment license and a valid retail consumption-on-premises liquor license for an indoor or patio location that is adjacent to a Sports Plaza. A Sports Plaza Venue liquor licensee may serve, in compliance with this section, alcoholic liquor within the Sports Plaza.
(c) A separate Sports Plaza Venue liquor license shall be required for each licensee selling, serving or offering for sale alcoholic liquor for consumption in the Sports Plaza. In addition to the information required by Section 4-60-040, an application for a Sports Plaza Venue liquor license shall: (1) designate the specific Sports Plaza at which the applicant intends to sell or serve alcoholic liquor; and (2) designate the fixed point-of-sale located in the Sports Plaza. The fee for a Sports Plaza Venue liquor license shall be as set forth in Section 4-5-010.
(e) No Sports Plaza Venue liquor licensee shall sell, offer for sale, or serve alcoholic liquor in the Sports Plaza:
(1) at any time when a caterer is dispensing or serving alcoholic liquor at a catered event within the Sports Plaza, pursuant to a caterer's liquor license; or
(2) unless regular food service is also available in the Sports Plaza to patrons at all times that alcoholic liquor is available for sale.
(f) No Sports Plaza Venue liquor license shall be issued for any sports plaza within 125 feet of any existing residential building, measured from the nearest property line of the residential building to the nearest boundary of the Sports Plaza.
(Added Coun. J. 6-22-16, p. 26612, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 9-14-16, p. 31396, § 1)
Editor's note – Coun. J. 5-9-12, p. 27485, § 26, repealed former § 4-60-075, which pertained to the Illinois Sports Facilities Authority Pilot Program.
(a) For purposes of this section:
"Fixed point-of-sale" means a booth, kiosk, tent, or other outdoor location that is stationary for the duration of an event during which the sale and service of alcohol is allowed.
"Outdoor Entertainment Venue" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 4-60-010.
"Residential building" has the meaning ascribed to that term in Section 17-17-02146.
"Retail food establishment license" means a retail food establishment license issued under Chapter 4-8 of this Code.
(b) In addition to the other categories of licenses authorized under this chapter, the Local Liquor Control Commissioner is authorized to issue Outdoor Entertainment Venue liquor licenses. An Outdoor Entertainment Venue is required to have an Outdoor Entertainment Venue liquor license. An Outdoor Entertainment Venue liquor licensee may serve, in compliance with this section, alcoholic liquor within the Outdoor Entertainment Venue from fixed point-of-sale locations.
(c) A separate Outdoor Entertainment Venue liquor license shall be required for each licensee selling, serving, or offering for sale alcoholic liquor for consumption at fixed point-of-sale locations at an Outdoor Entertainment Venue. In addition to the information required by Section 4-60-040, an application for an Outdoor Entertainment Venue liquor license shall: (1) designate the specific Outdoor Entertainment Venue at which the applicant intends to sell or serve alcoholic liquor; and (2) designate the fixed points-of-sale located in the Outdoor Entertainment Venue. The fee for an Outdoor Entertainment Venue liquor license shall be as set forth in Section 4-5-010.
(d) An Outdoor Entertainment Venue liquor licensee shall:
(1) sell alcoholic beverages only from fixed points-of-sale;
(2) serve alcoholic liquor only in cups which clearly identify the liquor licensee from which the alcoholic liquor was purchased;
(3) not sell alcoholic liquor in quantities greater than:
(i) 16 fluid ounces for beer, hard cider, hard seltzer, malt liquor, and similar beverages;
(ii) 6.3 fluid ounces for wine; and
(iii) 3 fluid ounces for spirits.
(4) not sell or offer for sale any package goods.
(f) An Outdoor Entertainment Venue shall be clearly demarcated to distinguish it from the public way and have the ability to limit guest access to Outdoor Entertainment Venue patrons only and not passersby.
(g) No Outdoor Entertainment Venue shall be located within 125 feet of any existing property that contains residences at the time that it applies for its licenses under Chapter 4-60 and Chapter 4-156, measured from the nearest property line of the property that contains residences to the nearest property line of the property containing the Outdoor Entertainment Venue.
(h) A location eligible for an Outdoor Entertainment Venue liquor license shall not be eligible for an outdoor patio license.
(Added Coun. J. 5-23-22, p. 47798, § 5)