* Editor's note – Coun. J. 6-10-96, p. 23652, repealed former Ch. 4-24, which pertained to bakeries and bakery vehicles.
4-24-010 Definitions.
4-24-020 Manufacture, sale, and rental of powered bicycles and powered mobility devices.
4-24-030 Reconditioned batteries.
4-24-040 Lithium-ion battery storage and disposal rules.
4-24-050 Penalty.
Whenever used in this Chapter, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:
“Accredited testing laboratory” means an independent third-party organization providing certification and testing for micro-mobility products, including powered bicycles and powered mobility devices, that has received ISO/IEC 17065 or ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation from an independent accreditation body that is a member of the International Accreditation Forum.
“Department” means Department of Environment.
“Lithium-ion battery” or “cell” means a rechargeable electrochemical cell or battery in which the positive and negative electrodes are both lithium compounds constructed with no metallic lithium in either electrode. A lithium-ion polymer cell or battery that uses lithium-ion chemistries, as described herein, is regulated as a lithium-ion cell or battery.
“Powered bicycle” means a “low-speed electric bicycle” or a “low-speed electric delivery bicycle” as both terms are defined under Section 9-4-010.
“Powered mobility device” has the same meaning ascribed to the term “low-speed electric mobility device” under Section 9-4-010.
“Recycling” means any process by which materials that would otherwise become waste are collected, separated or processed for the purpose of returning them to the economic mainstream in the form of raw materials for new products.
“Stock keeping unit” means each group of items offered for sale of the same brand name, quantity of contents, retail price and variety.
“Traction battery” means a rechargeable battery used to power the electric motors of powered bicycles or powered mobility devices.
(Added Coun. J. 9-18-24, p. 16557, § 1)
(a) No person shall manufacture, distribute, sell, lease, operate in furtherance of a business activity, rent, or offer for sale, lease or rental, a powered bicycle in the City unless the electrical system for such bicycle has been tested by an accredited testing laboratory for compliance with Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Standard 2849, European Standard (EN) 15194, or such other safety standard as the Department has established by rule in consultation with the Fire Department and the powered bicycle has been found to comply with such standard.
(b) No person shall manufacture, distribute, sell, lease, rent, or offer for sale, lease, rental, or operate in furtherance of a business activity, a powered mobility device in the City unless the electrical system for such powered mobility device has been tested by an accredited testing laboratory for compliance with Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Standard 2272 or such other safety standard as the Department has established by rule in consultation with the Fire Department and the powered mobility device has been found to comply with such standard.
(c) No person shall manufacture, distribute, sell, lease, rent, or offer for sale, lease or rental, a traction battery for a powered bicycle or powered mobility device in the City unless such traction battery has been tested by an accredited testing laboratory for compliance with a battery standard referenced in Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Standard 2849, European Standard (EN) 15194, or such other safety standard as the Department has established by rule in consultation with the Fire Department and the traction battery has been found to comply with such standard.
(d) The Department may promulgate rules governing the clarification and implementation of safety standards as they relate to powered bikes, powered mobility devices, and traction batteries.
(Added Coun. J. 9-18-24, p. 16557, § 1)