4-305-010 Definitions.
4-305-020 Intent.
4-305-030 Safety evaluation procedures – Date of compliance.
4-305-040 Procedures and provisions for adequate lighting – Date of compliance.
4-305-050 Notices to customers – Date of compliance.
4-305-060 Record keeping.
4-305-070 Remote service terminals to which this chapter does not apply.
4-305-080 Persons or entities to which this chapter does not apply.
(a) "Access area" means any paved walkway or sidewalk that is within 50 feet of any remote service terminal. The term does not include any street or highway open to the use of the public.
(b) "Access device" means "access device" as defined in Federal Reserve Board Regulations E, 12 C.F.R. Part 205, promulgated pursuant to the Federal Electronic Fund Transfer Act, 15 U.S.C. Section 1601, et seq.
(c) "Candlefoot power" means the light intensity of candles on a horizontal plane at 36 inches above ground level.
(d) "Control" of an access area or defined parking area means to have the present authority to determine how, when and by whom such access area is to be used, lighted and landscaped.
(e) "Customer" means a natural person to whom an access device has been issued for personal, family or household use.
(f) "Defined parking area" means that portion of any parking area open for customer parking that is:
(i) Contiguous to an access area with respect to a remote service terminal;
(ii) Regularly, principally and lawfully used for parking by users of the remote service terminal while conducting remote service terminal transactions during the hours of darkness; and
(iii) Owned or leased by the operator of the remote service terminal or owned or controlled by the party leasing the remote service terminal site to the operator.
The term does not include any parking area which is not open or regularly used for parking by users of the remote service terminal who are conducting remote service terminal transactions during the hours of darkness. A parking area is not open if it is physically closed to access or if conspicuous signs indicate that it is closed. If a multiple-level parking area satisfies the conditions of this paragraph and would therefore otherwise be a defined parking area, only the single parking level deemed by the operator of the remote service terminal to be the most directly accessible to the users of the remote service terminal shall be a defined parking area.
(g) "Financial institution" means a state or federally chartered bank, savings and loan association, savings bank or credit union.
(h) "Hours of darkness" means the period that commences 30 minutes after sunset and ends 30 minutes before sunrise.
(i) "Operator" means any financial institution or other business entity or any person who operates a remote service terminal, but does not include any person or entity whose primary function is to provide for the exchange, transfer or dissemination of electronic fund transfer data.
(j) "Public road" means any public right-of-way, including but not limited to structures, sidewalks, facilities and appurtenances incidental thereto.
(k) "Remote service terminal" means any electronic information processing device which accepts or dispenses cash in connection with a credit, deposit or convenience account. The term does not include devices used solely to facilitate check guarantees or check authorizations or which are used in connection with the acceptance or dispensing of cash on a person-to-person basis, such as a store cashier or service desk representative.
(Added Coun. J. 11-17-93, p. 42123)
The intent of the city council of the City of Chicago in enacting this chapter is to enhance the safety of consumers using remote service terminals in the City of Chicago without discouraging the placement of remote service terminals in locations convenient to consumers' homes and work places. Because decisions concerning safety at remote service terminals are inherently subjective, the standard of care applicable to the operators of remote service terminals is compliance with the objective standards and information requirements of this chapter.
It is not the intent of the city council of the City of Chicago in enacting this chapter to impose a duty to relocate or modify remote service terminals upon the occurrence of a particular event or circumstance, but rather to establish a means for the evaluation of all remote service terminals as provided in this chapter.
A violation of the provisions of this chapter will not constitute negligence per se. Substantial compliance with the objective standards and information requirements of this chapter is prima facie evidence that the operator of the remote service terminal in question has provided adequate measures for the safety of users of the remote service terminal.
(Added Coun. J. 11-17-93, p. 42123)