4-328-010 Credentials – Required.
4-328-020 Issuance authorized.
4-328-030 Application.
4-328-040 Advisory committee.
4-328-050 Credential – Form and contents.
4-328-060 Surrender of credential.
4-328-070 Credential – Revocation.
4-328-080 Counterfeit or imitation media credentials.
4-328-090 Regulations.
4-328-100 Violation – Penalty.
No person shall be eligible to gain access to areas reserved for the news media for the purpose of gathering and editing spot news or photographing news events unless such person is a legal holder of a news media credential as provided herein, and displays such credential prominently and in plain view on their person.
For purposes of this chapter, the term "news media" means a newspaper or other periodical issued at regular intervals whether in print or electronic format, a news service whether in print or electronic format, a radio station, a television station, a television network, a community antenna television service, or a person or corporation engaged in making news reels or other motion picture news for public showing.
(Added Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 9-8-10, p. 99274, § 1)
The superintendent of police has power to issue news media credentials making the holder, upon properly displaying such credential prominently and in plain view on their person, eligible to gain access to areas reserved for the news media for the purpose of gathering and editing spot news or photographing news events in Chicago. Such news media credentials shall be issued only to those engaged in gathering, reporting, editing, producing or photographing current news events for newspapers, press associations, radio stations and other news media.
(Added Coun. J. 12-9-92, p. 25465; Amend Coun. J. 9-8-10, p. 99274, § 1)