Article I. Nuisances in General
7-28-005 Definitions.
7-28-010 Notice to abate.
7-28-020 Summary abatement.
7-28-030 Common law and statutory nuisances.
7-28-040 Abandonment of refrigerators.
7-28-050 Plastic bags – Violation – Penalty.
7-28-060 Conditions detrimental to health – Public nuisance – Violation – Penalty.
7-28-065 Graffiti removal – Nuisance abatement.
7-28-070 Piling of used material to excessive heights.
7-28-080 Nuisance in connection with business.
7-28-085 Signs unlawful on private walkways, etc.
7-28-090 Nuisances brought into city.
7-28-100 Reserved.
7-28-110 Gas manufactory odors and refuse.
7-28-120 Weeds – Penalty for violation – Abatement – Lien.
7-28-130 Diseased trees.
7-28-140 Reserved.
7-28-150 Spreading of vermin poison.
7-28-160 Reserved.
7-28-170 Reserved.
7-28-180 Throwing objects in public places of amusement – Violation – Penalty.
7-28-190 Throwing objects into roadways.
Article II. Refuse
7-28-200 Definitions.
7-28-210 Refuse containers.
7-28-215 Commercial refuse containers – Permit required.
7-28-217 Commercial refuse containers and compactors; grease containers – Identification.
7-28-220 Duty to provide refuse containers and service.
7-28-225 Duty to provide compactors.
7-28-226 Zone of nonoperation.
7-28-227 Duty to provide refuse containers at construction or demolition sites.
7-28-230 Location of standard and commercial refuse containers.
7-28-235 City refuse collection – Fee.
7-28-240 Refuse removal.
7-28-250 Reserved.
7-28-260 Containers – Use.
7-28-261 Accumulation of refuse – Responsibility.
7-28-270 Contents of standard and commercial refuse containers and compactors.
7-28-280 Removal of contents.
7-28-290 Ashes.
7-28-300 Removal of restaurant garbage.
7-28-301 Grease containers.
7-28-302 Grease containers – Maintenance and removal.
7-28-303 Location of grease containers.
7-28-305 Location of grease containers on the public way.
7-28-310 Owner of business responsible for removal when – Violation – Penalty.
7-28-315 Removal of litter from a retail establishment's parking area.
7-28-320 Incinerators and ash chutes.
7-28-330 Sale of garbage prohibited.
7-28-331 Reserved.
7-28-340 Reserved.
7-28-350 Reserved.
7-28-360 Removal of refuse before vacation of premises.
7-28-370 Disposal of furnishings, bedding, clothing or other materials infested with bed bugs.
7-28-380 Refuse vehicles.
7-28-390 Dumping on public way – Violation – Penalty.
7-28-395 Construction debris on public way prohibited.
7-28-400 Disinfection of refuse vehicles.
7-28-410 Reserved.
7-28-420 Industrial refuse.
7-28-430 Decaying animal matter.
7-28-440 Dumping on real estate without permit – Nuisance – Violation – Penalty – Recovery of costs.
7-28-445 Reward program for information leading to a conviction or finding of liability for illegal dumping.
7-28-450 Unremoved motor vehicles, ashes, refuse, waste, debris and other materials – Owner responsible for removal – Nuisance – Violation – Penalty.
7-28-455 Unremoved motor vehicles, ashes, refuse, waste, debris and other materials – Substantial risk to the public – Nuisance – City authorized to remove – Notice – Violation – Penalty – Costs.
7-28-460 Substances that scatter in wind.
7-28-470 Refuse on roof or in areaway.
7-28-480 Inspection of roofs and areaways.
7-28-490 Roofers.
7-28-500 Removal of roofing refuse.
7-28-510 Objects that may damage tires – Illegal to dump on public way.
7-28-511 Definitions.
7-28-512 Application.
7-28-513 Waste management.
7-28-514 Treatment of infectious waste.
7-28-515 Transportation.
7-28-516 Management plan.
7-28-517 Responsibilities and enforcement authority.
7-28-518 Penalties.
7-28-519 Severability.
7-28-520 Additional penalty for violation of article.
Article III. Reserved
7-28-530 Reserved.
7-28-540 Reserved.
7-28-550 Reserved.
7-28-560 Reserved.
7-28-570 Reserved.
7-28-580 Reserved.
7-28-590 Reserved.
7-28-600 Reserved.
7-28-610 Reserved.
7-28-620 Reserved.
Article IV. Offensive Chemicals and Substances
7-28-630 Possession and sale – Violation – Penalty.
7-28-631 Corrosive or caustic acid registry.
7-28-635 Sale of mercury thermometers containing mercury substance.
7-28-637 BPA-free kids ordinance.
7-28-639 Gel fuel – Prohibition on sale.
7-28-640 Prescription required – Violation – Penalty.
7-28-650 Offensive bombs in public places – Violation – Penalty.
Article V. Rat Control
7-28-660 Reserved.
7-28-670 Inspection notice.
7-28-680 Maintenance.
7-28-690 Unlawful to remove rat-stoppage.
7-28-700 Structural changes.
7-28-710 Dumping prohibited.
7-28-715 Composting standards.
7-28-720 Accumulation of materials or junk.
7-28-730 Reserved.
7-28-735 Reserved.
Article VI. Lot Maintenance
7-28-740 Lot maintenance – Required.
7-28-750 Screen fence required – Nuisance declared when.
7-28-760 Severability.
7-28-770 Exemption.
7-28-780 Parking of Vehicles in a Vacant Lot – Penalty for Violation – Abatement – Lien..
7-28-785 Collection bins.
7-28-790 Reserved.
Article VII. Violation of Chapter Provisions
7-28-800 Violation – Penalty.
Article VIII. Bed Bugs
7-28-810 Definitions.
7-28-820 Bed bugs – Nuisance.
7-28-830 Bed bug infestation – Duty to exterminate.
7-28-840 Condominium and cooperative buildings – Plan for treatment of bed bugs.
7-28-850 Tenant responsibility.
7-28-860 Sale of secondhand bedding.
7-28-870 Public information.
7-28-880 Rules.
7-28-890 Enforcement.
7-28-900 Violation – Penalties.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the written context clearly indicates that another meaning is intended:
"Owner" shall have the meaning ascribed to the term in Chapter 14A-2.
(Added Coun. J. 7-28-10, p. 97912, § 2; Amend Coun. J. 4-10-19, p. 100029, Art. II, § 86)
It shall be the duty of the Building Commissioner or the Building Commissioner's designee to serve notice in writing by first class mail upon the owner, occupant, agent or person in possession or control of any building or structure in or upon which any nuisance may be found, or upon any person who may be the owner or cause of any such nuisance other than the nuisance specified in Sections 7-28-120 or 7-28-440 through 7-28-455 or 7-28-750 of this chapter, ordering such owner, occupant, agent or person to abate such nuisance, within a reasonable time, in the manner the Building Commissioner shall prescribe. It shall not be necessary in any case for the Building Commissioner to specify in such notice the manner in which any nuisance shall be abated, unless the Building Commissioner deems it advisable to do so. If the person so notified shall neglects, refuses or otherwise fails to comply with any of the requirements of such order within the time specified in the notice required under this section, such person shall be fined not less than $250.00 nor more than $500.00 for each such offense. Each day that a violation continues shall constitute a separate and distinct offense to which a separate fine shall apply. Nothing in this section shall be construed to require issuance of a notice to abate when the City does not affirmatively seek abatement as a remedy.
It shall be the duty of the Building Commissioner to proceed at once, upon expiration of the time period specified in the notice, to cause the applicable nuisance to be abated. Provided, however, that if, after due diligence, the owner, occupant, agent, or person in possession or control of any building or structure in or upon which any nuisance may be found is unknown or cannot be found, the Building Commissioner shall proceed to abate the nuisance without notice. In either case, in addition to any fine or other penalty provided by law, the person who created, continued or suffered the nuisance to exist shall be liable to the city for any and all costs and expenses incurred by the city in abating the nuisance, plus a penalty of up to three times the amount of the costs and expenses incurred by the city. Such monies may be recovered in an appropriate action instituted by the corporation counsel or in a proceeding initiated by the applicable department at Department of Administrative Hearings. The Commissioner of Streets and Sanitation or the Commissioner's designee shall enforce the provisions of Sections 7-28-120, 7-28-440 through 7-28-455 and 7-28-750 in the manner provided herein for nuisances generally, unless the specific section provides otherwise.
(Prior code § 99-1; Amended. Coun. J. 12-18-86, p. 38654; Amend Coun. J. 4-29-98, p. 66564; Amend Coun. J. 7-28-10, p. 97912, § 3; Amend Coun. J. 11-7-22, p. 55595, Art. III, § 2)