Normative Appendix E with Table E101.1, Additional LEED Credit Points. In addition to meeting provisions of the International Green Construction Code, applicants shall select from the LEED credit type options listed, with applicable corresponding LEED sections adopted by reference, in Table E101.1, to total at least seven (7) credit points.
Credit Type* | LEED v4.1 Section** | Points Available | Summary of Requirement |
Credit Type* | LEED v4.1 Section** | Points Available | Summary of Requirement |
LT Credit | Access to Quality Transit | 1-5 | Development near multimodal transportation choices. Locate with ¼ mile of transit site. 1-5 points based on transit frequency. |
LT Credit | Reduced Parking Footprint - No Parking or Reduce Parking, Carshare, or Unbundling Parking | 1 | Do not exceed minimum local code requirements for parking capacity, provide 30% reduction below base parking ratios, projects with no off-street parking meet requirements. Or Carshare or Unbundling Parking. |
LT Credit | Electric Vehicles - Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, or Electric Vehicle Ready Infrastructure | 1 | Provide charging infrastructure for electric vehicles for onsite parking. |
SS Credit | Open Space | 1 | Provide outdoor space greater than or equal to 30% of the total site area (including building footprint). |
WE Credit | Outdoor Water Use Reduction - Option 2, Reduced Irrigation | 1 | Enhanced reduction: (IgCC base accounts for 1 point), another 1 point available. Reduce outdoor potable water consumption and preserve no and low-cost potable water resources. |
WE Credit | Indoor Water Use Reduction | 2-5 | Enhanced reduction: (IgCC base accounts for 1 point), up to 5 other points available. Reduce indoor potable water consumption and preserve no and low-cost potable water resources. |
EA Credit | Optimize Energy Performance | 1-18 | Analyze efficiency measures during the design process and account for the results in design decision making. Up to 18 points awarded based on percentage improvement with energy modeling. |
EA Credit | Renewable Energy | 1-3 | Off-site existing renewable energy system up to 3 points (all 3 points if on geothermal system). |
EA Credit | Renewable Energy | 1-5 | Require onsite renewable energy for up to 5 points for onsite or new renewables (or 2 points if on geothermal system). |
EA Credit | Enhanced Refrigeration Management - Option 1, No Refrigerants or Low-Impact Refrigerants | 1 | Prohibit chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) or hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) based refrigerants in new heating, ventilating, air conditioning, and refrigeration (HVAC&R) systems. |
MR Credit | Sourcing of Raw Materials | 1-2 | Use products and materials for which life cycle information is available and that have environmentally, economically, and socially preferable life cycle impacts. |
*Credit Type refers to the LEED Section. LT=Location and Transportation, SS=Sustainable Sites, WE=Water Efficiency, EA=Energy and Atmosphere, MR=Materials and Resources.
**LEED v4.1 <> provides sections and details for these provisions to obtain credit points.
(Ord. 9-23, 3-7-2023)