Repeal section 501.3.8.1 (, Building Site Waste Management Plan, and replace with the following:
   501.3.8.1 ( Building Site Waste Management Plan. A building site waste management plan shall be developed and implemented for excavated soil, rock, and land-clearing debris. Land-clearing debris includes trees, stumps, and vegetation. Diverted land-clearing debris and removed rock and soil shall not be sent to sites where development activity is prohibited by Section 501.3.1.2 (
   Not less than 75% of the land-clearing debris, rock, and excavated soils, excluding invasive plant materials, shall be diverted from disposal in landfills and incinerators, other than waste-to-energy systems with an energy-recovery efficiency rate higher than 60%. Where it can be shown that diverting 75% of land-clearing debris, rock, and soils is not feasible, to the satisfaction of the code official, divert from the landfill to the maximum extent possible. Land-clearing debris calculations shall be based on either weight or volume but not both. Receipts or other documentation related to diversion shall be maintained through the course of construction, and when requested by the code official, evidence of such diversion shall be provided.
   The plan shall address all of the following:
      a.   Land-clearing debris, rock, and soil to be diverted from disposal by composting, recycling, or reuse.
      b.   Waste materials that will be diverted on-site.
      c.   The locations to which waste materials will be diverted off-site.
      d.   Soils to be stockpiled for future use at any location.
      e.   Woody waste to be used as fuel.
      f.   The destruction and disposal of invasive plant materials.
      g.   The methods of removal and location of treatment and/or disposal of any contaminated soils.
      h.   The treatment of vegetation to comply with the rules of government-designated quarantine zones for invasive insect species.
(Ord. 9-23, 3-7-2023)