General Provisions
   156.001   Title
   156.002   Definitions
   156.003   Authority
   156.004   Purpose
   156.005   Compliance
   156.006   Severability
   156.007   Interpretation
   156.008   Jurisdiction area
   156.009   Application
   156.010   Saving provision
   156.011   Repealer
   156.012   Transition rules
   156.013   Amendments
   156.014   Effective date
General Zoning Districts
   156.025   Establishment of districts
   156.026   Establishment of overlay district
   156.027   Planned development districts
   156.028   District land uses
   156.029   Unlisted or questionable land uses
Agricultural and Residential Zoning Districts
   156.040   AG District; intent; permitted uses; special exception uses; standards
   156.041   R1 District; intent; permitted uses; special exception uses; standards
   156.042   R2 District; intent; permitted uses; special exception uses; standards
   156.043   R3 District; intent; permitted uses; special exception uses; standards
   156.044   R4 District; intent; permitted uses; special exception uses; standards
   156.045   R5 District; intent; permitted uses; special exception uses; standards
   156.046   MP District; intent; permitted uses; special exception uses; standards
Commercial Zoning Districts
   156.060   SC District; intent; permitted uses; special exception uses; standards
   156.061   OC District; intent; permitted uses; special exception uses; standards
   156.062   DC District; intent; permitted uses; special exception uses; standards
   156.063   C1 District; intent; permitted uses; special exception uses; standards
   156.064   C2 District; intent; permitted uses; special exception uses; standards
   156.065   C3 District; intent; permitted uses; special exception uses; standards
Wellhead Protection Overlay District
   156.080   Purpose
   156.081   Jurisdictional boundary
   156.082   Applicability
   156.083   Establishment of wellhead protection zones
   156.084   Exemptions from regulations
   156.085   Development plans required
   156.086   Plan review
   156.087   Plan documentation and supporting information
   156.088   Development standards and prohibitions
Zoning Map
   156.100   Official zoning map
   156.101   Official zoning map copies
   156.102   Location of the official zoning map
   156.103   Zoning district boundaries
   156.104   Regular revisions
   156.105   Damaged, destroyed or lost official zoning map
   156.106   Official zoning map standards
Development Standards
   156.120   Introduction
   156.121   Development standards that apply
   156.122   Lot/yard standards (LY)
   156.123   Height standards (HT)
   156.124   Accessory structure standards (AS)
   156.125   Temporary use/structure standards (TU)
   156.126   Landscaping standards (LS)
   156.127   Buffer yard standards (BY)
   156.128   Performance standards (PS)
   156.129   Environmental standards (EN)
   156.130   Floodplain standards (FP)
   156.131   Lighting standards (LT)
   156.132   Parking standards (PK)
   156.133   Loading standards (LD)
   156.134   Entrance/drive standards (ED)
   156.135   Vision clearance standards (VC)
   156.136   Public improvement standards (PI)
   156.137   Open space standards (OS)
   156.138   Home occupation standards (HO)
   156.139   Telecommunication facilities standards (TF)
   156.140   Fences and walls (FN)
   156.141   Miscellaneous standards (MS)
Planned Developments
   156.155   District intent; permitted uses; miscellaneous standards
   156.156   General
   156.157   Rezoning to a planned development district
   156.158   Planned development uses
   156.159   Origination of proposals
   156.160   General procedure
   156.161   Filing procedure
   156.162   Preliminary development plan
   156.163   Final development plan
   156.164   Final development plan hearing
   156.165   Approval of detailed plan
   156.166   Covenants and maintenance
   156.167   Recording
   156.168   Permits
   156.169   Construction
   156.170   Extension, abandonment, expiration
   156.171   Rules of procedure
   156.172   Limitation of rezoning
Sign Regulations
   156.185   Intent
   156.186   Sign regulations that apply
   156.187   General sign standards (GS)
   156.188   Temporary sign standards (TS)
   156.189   Permanent sign standards (PS)
Non-Conforming Structures, Lots and Uses
   156.200   Intent
   156.201   Distinction between illegal and legal non-conforming
   156.202   Non-conforming buildings and structures
   156.203   Non-conforming lots of record
   156.204   Non-conforming uses of structures, land or structures and land in combination
   156.205   Non-conforming signs
   156.206   Repairs and maintenance
Board of Zoning Appeals
   156.220   Membership
   156.221   Officers, members and employees
   156.222   Territorial jurisdiction
   156.223   Powers and duties
   156.224   Rules and procedures
   156.225   Hearings
   156.226   Appearances
   156.227   Order of business
   156.228   Official action
   156.229   Appeals
   156.230   Special exceptions
   156.231   Development standards variances
   156.232   Use variances
   156.233   Exclusion
   156.234   Amendments
   156.235   Repeal
   156.250   Administrative officer
   156.251   Effect on annexation or vacation on zoning
   156.252   Town Council; powers and duties
   156.253   Plan Commission; powers and duties
   156.254   Board of Zoning Appeals; powers and duties
Processes, Permits and Fees
   156.265   Types of petitions
   156.266   Processes per type of petition
   156.267   Improvement location permits
   156.268   Schedule of improvement location permits
   156.269   Certificate of occupancy
   156.270   Sign permits and fees
   156.271   Temporary sign permits and fees
   156.272   Schedule of fees
   156.285   Authority
   156.286   Violations
   156.287   Inspection of property
   156.288   Responsibility of violations
   156.289   Liability
   156.290   Violations during the construction/building process
   156.291   Types of violations
   156.292   Procedure for violations
   156.293   Appeals or trials
   156.294   Enforcement, remedies and injunctive relief
   156.999   Penalty