   (A)   The intent of lighting standards are to provide a level of illumination for adequate, safe and efficient movement of vehicle and persons without affecting neighboring properties. Further, the level of illumination shall vary according to the type of use on a lot. The intensity of light created on any site shall not significantly go beyond the property line of the subject property.
   (B)   The following lighting standards apply.
      (1)   All lighting shall be shielded with opaque material to prevent direct lighting on streets, alleys and adjacent properties.
      (2)   All lighting elements used to cast light on building facades, features of buildings or signs shall have cutoff luminaires with less than a 90-degree angle (“downlighting”).
      (3)   Lighting for parking lots must all be consistent in their color, size, height and design. Further, all parking lot lights shall have cutoff luminaires with less than a 90-degree angle (downlighting) and shall be no more than 20 feet in height.
      (4)   All free standing lights and lights mounted on walls or facades must have cutoff luminaires with less than a 90-degree angle.
      (5)   All lights within a single development must uses consistent style, design, height, size and color throughout the development.
      (6)   All lighting from a property must not cause illumination beyond the property line of that property (at 0.5 foot candles). The only exception to this standard is as follows.
         (a)   When the subject property is business and the adjacent property is zoned for business or industrial, the allowable light at the property line is 1.0 foot candles (only on sides of the property that are adjacent to the similar zoning district).
         (b)   When the subject property is industrial and the adjacent property is zoned for industrial the allowable light at the property line is 2.5 foot candles (only on sides of the property that are adjacent to the similar zoning district).
      (7)   Measurements shall be taken along any property line of the subject property with a light meter facing the center of the property at a height of six feet.
(Ord. 2002-05, passed 12-30-2002, § 7.12)