1. Conditions for Revocation and/or for Termination of Sewer Service. Any user who violates this chapter, any condition of its wastewater discharge permit, or any of the following, is subject to having its permit revoked and/or its sewer service terminated in accordance with the procedures of this section:
A. Failure to accurately report the wastewater constituents and characteristics of its discharge;
B. Failure of the user to report substantial changes in process activity or in volume or character of pollutants being discharged into the POTW at least 90 days prior to such change;
C. Tampering with monitoring equipment;
D. Refusal of reasonable access to the user’s premises for the purpose of inspection, monitoring, or sampling;
E. Violation of permit conditions;
F. Failure to report an upset, failure, or bypass of user’s pretreatment facilities;
G. Failure to pay fines, fees, surcharges, or sewer service charges;
H. Failure to follow enforcement orders or compliance schedules;
I. Failure to correct a condition that impedes or alters the POTW’s ability to monitor the user’s discharge or has the potential to cause interference or pass through;
J. Failure to obtain a wastewater discharge permit as required by this chapter after notification by the WRA Director that such permit is required.
K. Failure to pay actual costs for negligent damage, or actual costs and penalties charged for grossly negligent or intentional damage, to the POTW not addressed elsewhere in this article.
2. Procedures for Revocation and/or Termination of Sewer Service. The procedure for revocation of a discharge permit and termination of sewer service shall be as follows:
A. Any permit issued to a user pursuant to this chapter may be revoked, and sewer service terminated, by written order of the WRA Director, specifying the grounds for such revocation and termination as outlined in subsection 1 of this section, which order shall not take effect until hearing thereon as hereinafter provided. Upon determining that grounds exist for an order to revoke a user's discharge permit and terminate sewer service, the WRA Director shall cause a notice of hearing to be prepared, specifying the violations of subsection 1 of this section which are deemed to have occurred, and the time, date and place that such hearing will be held. The notice shall be sent to the user by regular mail addressed to the user's address listed on the wastewater discharge permit a minimum of ten days prior to the date set for hearing, and shall be deemed delivered when placed in the mail.
B. Sewer service may be terminated by written order of the WRA director, specifying the grounds for such revocation and termination as outlined in 1.J. of this section, which order shall not take effect until hearing thereon as hereafter provided. Upon determining that grounds exist for an order to terminate sewer service, the WRA director shall cause a notice of hearing to be prepared, specifying the violation of 1.J. of this section which is deemed to have occurred, and the time, date and place that such hearing will be held. The notice shall be sent to the user by regular mail addressed to the user's address a minimum of ten days prior to the date set for hearing, and shall be deemed delivered when placed in the mail.
C. If, after such a hearing, the WRA Director makes a finding based on substantial evidence that actions subject to revocation under subsection 1 of this section have occurred as alleged, the Director may revoke the permit if a permit had previously been issued, and terminate sewer service to the user's premises. The determination of whether to revoke such permit and terminate service shall be in the discretion of the WRA Director and shall be dependent upon the circumstances surrounding violations by the user subsection 1 of this section and their severity. If the user does not appear for the hearing, the WRA Director shall issue the order revoking the discharge permit and/or terminating sewer service, which shall take effect immediately.
D. The decision and order of the WRA director to revoke the permit of a user may be appealed to the WRA appeal committee. Such appeal request shall be in writing, shall include the grounds for appeal including any factual findings which are disputed, and shall be delivered to WRA not less than 10 days after the director's entry of the order of revocation of permit and/or termination of sewer service. Such appeal request shall be considered delivered when placed in the mail, return receipt requested, addressed to:
WRA Appeal Committee
Des Moines Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation Authority
3000 Vandalia Road
Des Moines, Iowa 50317
The chair of the appeal committee shall schedule the appeal and shall cause notice of the time, date and place of the hearing to be mailed to the appealing user. Such appeal shall be decided by majority vote of the appeal committee. If the appeal committee affirms the order of the WRA director revoking the permit and/or terminating sewer service, the appeal committee shall so state and order in its written decision.
Des Moines Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation Authority
3000 Vandalia Road
Des Moines, Iowa 50317
The chair of the appeal committee shall schedule the appeal and shall cause notice of the time, date and place of the hearing to be mailed to the appealing user. Such appeal shall be decided by majority vote of the appeal committee. If the appeal committee affirms the order of the WRA director revoking the permit and/or terminating sewer service, the appeal committee shall so state and order in its written decision.
E. A user whose permit has been revoked shall not be eligible for another permit until thirty (30) days after the violating conditions have been corrected to the satisfaction of the WRA Director.
F. Upon determination by the WRA Director that the user's sewer service connection to the POTW be terminated, the Director's written order shall be sent to the City public works department, which shall cause the user's connection to the sewer to be severed or plugged. The manner of severage and procedure for disconnection shall be determined by the City public works department. Upon completion of the disconnection, the City public works department shall certify the City's cost to disconnect the user's sewer service. Upon receipt of such certification of costs, the WRA Director shall forward to the user whose service was disconnected, by registered mail return receipt requested, by certified mail, or by personal service, a bill for the cost of making the disconnection, including all costs for labor and materials, and a service charge of $500.00 for WRA supervision.
G. Any building at which sewer service is disconnected as herein provided shall be inspected by the City Building Official and if appropriate shall be red-tagged as unfit for human occupancy.
(Ord. 2118 - Sep. 22 Supp.)
In the event of severance of service, the service may be reinstated in the following manner:
1. Upon payment to the WRA of any delinquency in full, plus the cost of the disconnection and the $500.00 supervision fee, and an inspection by the WRA Director to determine whether the original cause for termination has been corrected, the WRA will issue a permit for reconnection of the building service line to the POTW. Such reconnection costs, plus inspection fees for the City in accordance with this Code, shall be at the sole expense of the user.
2. Upon reconnection and payment of all costs described above, the City of Ankeny, through its agents, shall remove the red-tag from the building and the building shall, so far as this chapter is concerned, be “fit for human occupancy.”
(Ord. 2118 - Sep. 22 Supp.)
1. Conditions for Immediate Disconnection of Service. The WRA Director may, after informal notice, suspend the wastewater discharge permit and sewer service to a user whenever such suspension is necessary in order to stop an actual or threatened discharge presenting or causing an imminent or substantial endangerment to the health or welfare of persons, the POTW, or the environment.
2. Procedures for Immediate Disconnection.
A. When the WRA Director determines that a discharge as described in Section 1 exists, a verbal order shall be issued (followed immediately by a written order) to the user stating the problem and requiring immediate cessation of the discharge. Users verbally notified of a suspension of the sewer service or the wastewater discharge permit shall immediately stop or eliminate all discharges. In the event of a user's failure to comply immediately and voluntarily with the suspension order, the WRA Director shall take immediate action to eliminate the discharge including disconnection from the POTW. Methods of informal notice to a user shall include, but not be limited to, any of the following; personal conversations between user and personnel of the WRA or its operating contractor, telephone calls, letters, hand delivered messages or notices posted at the user's premises or point of discharge.
B. Users responsible, in whole or in part, for imminent endangerment shall submit a detailed written report describing the causes of the endangerment and the measures taken to prevent any future occurrence to the WRA Director prior to the hearing described in Section 100.41(2).
Users notified of a disconnection of sewer service or revocation of its discharge permit under Sections 100.41 or 100.43 shall immediately stop or eliminate the discharge. In the event of a failure of the user to comply voluntarily with the disconnection or revocation order, the City of Ankeny shall take such steps as deemed necessary by the WRA, including immediate severance of the sewer connection. The WRA Director shall reinstate the sewer service or wastewater discharge permit upon proof of the elimination of the non-complying discharge.
1. In addition to remedies available to the WRA set forth elsewhere in this chapter, if the WRA is fined by IDNR or EPA for violations of the NPDES permit for the POTW or violations of water quality standards as the result of a discharge of pollutants by identifiable user(s), then the fine, including all legal, sampling, analytical testing costs and any other related costs shall be charged to the responsible user(s). Such charge shall be in addition to any other remedies the WRA may have under this chapter, at law or in equity.
2. If the discharge from any user results in a deposit, obstruction, damage or other impairment to the POTW, the user shall become liable to the City and/or the WRA for any expense, loss, or damage caused by the violations or discharge. The WRA may add to the user's charges and fees the costs incurred for any cleaning, repair, or replacement work caused by the violations or discharge.
3. The remedies provided in this chapter shall not be exclusive and the WRA may seek whatever other remedies are authorized by statute, at law or in equity against any persons violating the provisions of this chapter.
4. In addition to any other remedies provided in this chapter, the City and/or the WRA may initiate an action, either in law or in equity, to obtain an injunction against further violations of this chapter, and for judgment for all costs incurred by the City and/or the WRA occasioned by the user’s violation of any requirements of this chapter.
Notices which are required to be given or which may be given to the WRA, the WRA Board, the WRA Director or the WRA Appeal Committee, as provided in this chapter, shall be mailed to such entity, body or person at the following address:
c/o Des Moines Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation Authority
Des Moines Wastewater Reclamation Facility
3000 Vandalia Road
Des Moines, Iowa 50317
(Ch. 100 Amended by Ord. 1807 – July 14 Supp.)