The provisions of this chapter are enacted to aid in the enforcement of the pretreatment regulations set forth herein. The City of Ankeny, by enacting this chapter, designates the WRA and its operating contractor as the enforcement agency under this chapter for those customers located such that their wastewater is conveyed to the WRF. Employees, agents and officers of the WRA and of its operating contractor, while acting to enforce the provisions of this chapter for the WRA, are empowered to make such inspections, issue such orders or permits and take such actions within the corporate boundaries of the City of Ankeny as are authorized by this chapter. The WRA and its operating contractor are also authorized to impose and collect all fees or penalties authorized by this chapter and are also authorized to directly bill and collect from contributors any penalties, fees, charges and surcharges. The failure to pay any fee, charge, penalty or surcharge is a municipal infraction and shall also be grounds to discontinue sewer service. The enforcement of this chapter in the City of Ankeny is not dependent upon passage of this or a similar ordinance by other cities or WRA participating communities. The City of Ankeny shall retain control over the use of its local sewers for purposes of capacity allocation and surcharge prevention.