There shall be installed within the public right-of-way, or within an easement granted to the City, a main curb stop shutoff valve on the water service pipe of a pattern approved by the Administrator. The curb stop shutoff valve shall be constructed to be visible and even with the pavement or ground.
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
There shall be installed a shutoff valve on every service pipe inside the building as close to the entrance of the pipe within the building as possible and so located that the water can be shut off conveniently ahead of the meter installation. Where one service pipe supplies more than one customer within the building, there shall be separate valves for each such customer so that service may be shut off for one without interfering with service to the others.
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
All water service pipes and their connections to the water system must be inspected and approved in writing by the code enforcement officer before they are covered, and the code enforcement officer shall keep a record of such approvals. If the code enforcement officer refuses to approve the work, the plumber or property owner must proceed immediately to correct the work. Every person who uses or intends to use the municipal water system shall permit the code enforcement officer to enter the premises to inspect or make necessary alterations or repairs at all reasonable hours and on proof of authority.
Should any excavation be left open or only partly refilled for twenty-four (24) hours after the water service pipe is installed and connected with the water system, or should the work be improperly done, the City shall have the right to finish or correct the work, and the Council shall assess the costs to the property owner or the plumber. If the plumber is assessed, the plumber must pay the costs before receiving another permit. If the property owner is assessed, such assessment may be collected with and in the same manner as general property taxes.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 364.12[3a & h])
The Administrator may shut off the supply of water to any customer because of any violation of the regulations contained in these Water chapters. The supply shall not be turned on again until all violations have been corrected and the Administrator has ordered the water to be turned on.
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
It is unlawful for any person except the Administrator to turn water on at the curb stop shutoff valve, and no person, unless specifically authorized by the City, shall open or attempt to draw water from any fire hydrant for any purpose whatsoever. The City shall maintain all fire hydrants. Maintenance performed on private fire hydrants shall be paid for by the property owner.
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
It is unlawful for any person to injure, destroy, deface, or disturb any portion of the waterworks system, to interfere with or obstruct the water supply, or to tamper with or turn a water valve for the purpose of turning on water service which has previously been disconnected, without permission of the City. Further, it is unlawful to make use of water which is provided through a shut-off valve which has been turned on without permission of the City. It is unlawful to interfere with normal distribution system pressures, to impede, obstruct, or otherwise cause any potential hazards to the water system.
Water service may be discontinued by the City upon reasonable notice to the customer for any violation of any rule, regulation, or condition of service and especially for any of the following reasons:
1. Misrepresentation in the application as to the property or fixtures to be supplied or use to be made of water;
2. Failure to report to the City additions to the property or fixtures to the supplies or additional use to be made of water;
3. Resale or giving away of water;
4. Waste or misuse of water due to improper or imperfect service pipes and/or fixtures or failure to keep the same in a suitable state of repair;
5. Tampering with the meter, meter seal, service or valves, or permitting such tampering by others;
6. Connection, cross-connection or permitting the same, of any separate water supply to premises which receive water from the City;
7. Nonpayment of bills as provided in Section 92.09;
8. Failure to allow City access to service or install meters;
9. Failure to submit an application for utility service as provided in Section 92.02;
10. Any unlawful acts or violation of the regulations contained in these Water chapters or Sanitary Sewer chapters.
(Subsections 7-10 – Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)