The owners of any houses, buildings or structures used for human occupancy, employment or use, situated within the City and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is located a public water main are hereby required to connect such facilities to the City’s public water system in accordance with the provisions of these Water Service chapters within sixty (60) days after the date of official notice to do so, provided that said public water main is located within two hundred (200) feet of the property line of such owner.
When an existing water service is abandoned or a service is renewed with a new tap in the main, all abandoned connections with the mains shall be turned off at the corporation stop, capped, and made absolutely watertight.
90.05 PERMIT.
Before any person makes a connection with the public water system, a written permit must be obtained from the City. The application for the permit shall include a legal description of the property, the name of the property owner, the name and address of the person who will do the work, and the general uses of the water. If the proposed work meets all the requirements of this chapter and if all fees required under this chapter have been paid, the permit shall be issued. Work under any permit must be completed within sixty (60) days after the permit is issued, except that when such time period is inequitable or unfair due to conditions beyond the control of the person making the application, an extension of time within which to complete the work may be granted. The permit may be revoked at any time for any violation of these chapters.
Before any permit is issued the person who makes the application shall pay $150.00 plus the cost of the water meter for residential premises and $250.00 plus the cost of the water meter for commercial premises to the City to cover the cost of issuing the permit and supervising, regulating, and inspecting the work and to reimburse the City for costs borne by the City in making water service available to the property served.
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 384.84)
The installation of any water service pipe and any connection with the water system shall comply with all pertinent and applicable provisions, whether regulatory, procedural or enforcement provisions, of International Plumbing Code and the Iowa Public Health Department rules (IAC 641-25.5) for backflow prevention.
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
All installations of water service pipes and connections to the water system shall be made by a plumber licensed by the State.
(Ord. 1987 – Mar. 20 Supp.)
All trench work, excavation, and backfilling required in making a connection shall be performed in accordance with applicable excavation provisions as provided for installation of building sewers and/or the provisions of Chapter 151 of this Code of Ordinances.
All taps into water mains shall be made by or under the direct supervision of the Administrator and in accord with the following:
(Code of Iowa, Sec. 372.13[4])
1.   Independent Services. No more than one house, building or premises shall be supplied from one tap unless special written permission is obtained from the Administrator and unless provision is made so that each house, building or premises may be shut off independently of the other.
2.   Sizes and Location of Taps. The size of the lateral and service lines shall be as follows:
   A.   For single-family dwellings, one-inch from water main to water meter;
   B.   For two-family dwellings, one-inch from water main to water meter, and each dwelling unit must be served by a separate curb stop shutoff valve and meter;
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
   C.   For multi-family dwellings of 3 to 7 dwelling units, one-inch from water main to meter;
   D.   For multi-family dwellings of 8 to 24 dwelling units, two-inch copper pipe or three-inch C900 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe from water main to curb stop shutoff valve and one-inch from each curb stop shutoff valve to each water meter if each unit is served by a separate curb stop shutoff valve and meter; or two-inch copper pipe or three-inch C900 PVC pipe from water main to water meter if all units are served by one meter;
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
   E.   For multiple dwellings of 25 dwelling units and above, three-inch copper pipe or four-inch C900 PVC from water main to curb stop shutoff valve and one-inch from each curb stop shutoff valve to each water meter if each unit is served by a separate curb stop shutoff valve and meter; or three-inch copper pipe or four-inch C900 PVC pipe from water main to water meter if all units are served by one meter.
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
   F.   Where a larger connection than a one-inch tap is desired, the size and method of tapping shall be authorized by the Administrator. All taps in the mains shall be made in the top half of the pipe, at least eighteen (18) inches apart. No main shall be tapped nearer than two (2) feet of the joint in the main. Saddles are required for taps up to and including two-inch diameter. Taps greater than two-inch diameter require tapping sleeve and valve.
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
3.   Corporation Stop. A brass corporation stop, of the pattern and weight approved by the Administrator, shall be inserted in every tap in the main. The corporation stop in the main shall be of the same size as the service pipe.
4.   Location Record. An accurate and dimensional sketch showing the exact location of the tap shall be filed with the Administrator in such form as the Administrator shall require.
5.   Costs. All costs and expenses incident to the tapping into a water main and installation of the corporation stop, service pipe and curb stop shutoff valve shall be borne by the property owner.
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
6.   Individual curb stop shutoff valves shall be located outside of buildings within an easement, right-of-way, or other location as approved by the Administrator.
(Ord. 1719 – Apr. 12 Supp.)
Water service pipes from the curb stop shutoff valve to the meter setting must be laid sufficiently waving, and to such depth, as to prevent rupture from settlement or freezing. After the main or lateral water service lines are laid, the excavation shall be refilled with dirt or manufactured sand. If refilled with dirt, it must be in layers with each layer thoroughly compacted to prevent settlement. The surface of the area excavated must be returned to its condition prior to the excavation and to the satisfaction of the City. The service line shall be of a material specified in the Ankeny Supplemental Specifications.
(Ord. 1987 – Mar. 20 Supp.)