Section 103.2, Appointment, of the IFC, is hereby amended by adding the following paragraph to said section:
Section 103.2 Appointment There is also hereby established the position of Chief Building Official, who shall be designated as the fire code official by the Director of Community Development. The Chief Building Official shall have authority to file a complaint in any court of competent jurisdiction charging a person with the violation of this title. The Chief Building Official shall have whatever additional duties the Director of Community Development may prescribe.
Section 105.1.2, Types of Permits, of the IFC, is hereby amended by adding the following paragraphs to said section:
Section 105.1.2 Certificate of Occupancy A certificate of occupancy issued pursuant to provisions of the Ankeny Building Code may be assumed to comply with Section 1. Operational Permit.
Section 105.1.2 Other Permits Building, Fuel Gas, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing permits issued pursuant to provisions of their respective codes may be assumed to comply with Section 2. Construction Permit.
Section 107.2, Schedule of Permit Fees, of the IFC is hereby amended by adding the following exception:
Section 107.2 Schedule of Permit Fees exception:
Persons performing work on exempt projects for the Federal Government, the State of Iowa, Polk County or City of Ankeny may obtain permits for such work without paying permit fees described herein: provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt payment of permit fees by persons performing work under the direction of the City of Ankeny in connection with the abatement of property as prescribed by law.
Persons performing work on exempt projects for the Federal Government, the State of Iowa, Polk County or City of Ankeny may obtain permits for such work without paying permit fees described herein: provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to exempt payment of permit fees by persons performing work under the direction of the City of Ankeny in connection with the abatement of property as prescribed by law.
SECTION 107.4, Work Commencing Before Permit Issuance, of the IFC, is hereby amended by adding the following sentence after said section:
Section 107.4 Work commencing before permit issuance Said fee shall be 100 percent of the usual permit fee in addition to the required permit fees.
Section 111, Means of Appeal, of the IBC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section 111 Board of Examiners and Appeals Pursuant to the Ankeny Municipal Code, there is hereby created the Ankeny Board of Examiners and Appeals. Appeals shall be in accordance thereof.