Section 912, Fire department connections, of the IFC, is hereby amended by adding a new section and exception as follows:
Section 912.1.1 Storz fire department connection The fire department connection(s) shall be a five-inch (5") Storz type connector(s) compatible with the hose couplings currently used by the Ankeny Fire Department.
Section 912.1.1 Storz fire department connection exception 1 A fire department connection having the standard internal threaded swivel fittings of 2 1/2 inches NST may be substituted for the five-inch Storz connection with the approval of the Code Official where system pressures may exceed hose test pressure or water supply could require an extensive hose lay to the structure.
Section 1009.2, Continuity and Components, Of the IFC, is hereby amended by adding the following #11 to said section:
Section 1009.2 Continuity and Components #11 Components of exterior walking surfaces shall be concrete, asphalt or other approved hard surface.
Section 1009.8, Two-way Communication, of the IFC, is hereby amended by adding the following exception:
Section 1009.8 exception 7 Two-way communication systems are not required for elevators that serve two story buildings designed to meet the provisions of section IFC 1019, Exit Access Stairways and Ramps.
Section 1011.11, Handrails, of the IFC is hereby amended by deleting exception 4 and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section 1011.11 Handrails exception 4 Changes in elevation of four or more risers within individual units of Group R-2 and R-3 occupancies require a handrail on at least one side.
Section 1013.1.1, Additional Exit Signs, of the IFC, is hereby established by adding the following section:
Section 1013.1.1 Additional Exit Signs Exit signs may be required at the discretion of the Code Official to clarify an exit or exit access.
Section 1014.4, Continuity, of the IFC, is hereby amended by adding the following exception:
Section 1014.4 Continuity exception 6 Handrails within a dwelling unit or serving an individual dwelling unit of groups R-2 and R-3 shall be permitted to be interrupted at one location in a straight stair when the rail terminates into a wall or ledge and is offset and immediately continues.