Section 1103.5.3, Group I-2, Condition 2, of the IFC is hereby modified by inserting the following:
Section 1103.5.3 Group I-2, Condition 2 (insert date by which sprinkler system must be installed): At such time as mandated by the Iowa State Fire Marshal, Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals, Iowa Department of Public Safety.
Section1107 is hereby established with the inclusion of the following sections:
Section 1107.1 Existing CSST - Bonding In Rental Units All rental dwellings shall be bonded in accordance with the Ankeny Fuel Gas Code, unless deemed technically infeasible by the Code Official.
Section 1107.2 Existing CSST - Bonding In Other Than Rental Units For other than rental dwelling units, where alterations, repairs or additions requiring a permit occur, CSST shall be bonded in accordance with sections 310.2.1 through 310.2.5 of the Ankeny Fuel Gas Code, unless deemed technically infeasible by the Code Official.
Section 1203.7, Shutdown of Emergency and Standby Power Systems, of the IFC, is hereby established by adding the following section:
Section 1203.7 Shutdown of Emergency and Standby Power Systems In addition to the requirements of NFPA 110 for a remote manual stop, a switch of an approved type shall be provided to shut down the generator. The switch shall be provided at an approved location.
Section 1203.8, Emergency Generator Signs, of the IFC, is hereby established by adding the following section:
Section 1203.8 Emergency Generator Signs Main electrical disconnects and main breaker panels supplied by the generator shall be provided with approved signs. Additionally, doors accessing emergency and standby power systems shall be provided with approved signs. When approved switches for emergency power shut-down are located remote from the fire alarm annunciator, an approved sign shall be provided at fire alarm annunciator. Approved signs shall contain the word CAUTION in black letters at least 2 inches (50 mm) high on a yellow background. Such warning signs shall be placed so as to be readily discernible.
Section 3301.2, Purpose, of the IFC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section 3301.2 Purpose This chapter prescribes minimum safeguards for construction, alteration and demolition operations to provide reasonable safety to life and property from fire and other emergencies during such operations.
Section 5601.4, Qualifications, of the IFC, is hereby amended by adding the following exception:
Section 5601.4 Qualifications exception Persons in charge of fireworks display or pyrotechnic special effect operations may be less than 21 years of age if they possess a valid PGI display fireworks operator certification or equivalent certification approved by the Code Official.
Section 5704 Storage, of the IFC, is hereby amended by adding a new section as follows:
Section 5704.1.1 - Storage of flammable or combustible liquids in outside aboveground tanks - District Limits Storage of flammable or combustible liquids in outside aboveground tanks is limited in all zoning districts, subject to restrictions, and allowed only as follows:
A. In M-1, M-2 and U-1 zoning district the maximum liquid storage capacity for any one tank shall be twelve thousand five hundred gallons and the maximum aggregate liquid storage capacity of all tanks at any one site shall be twenty-five thousand gallons. All storage tank installations permitted under this subsection shall be subject to prior site plan review and approval by the Plan and Zoning Commission and shall be screened from view from property lines, if necessary.
B. In other than M-1, M-2 and U-1 zoning districts, generator(s) maximum liquid storage capacity for Legally Required Standby Systems of essential facilities including Risk Category III and IV buildings not fueled by natural gas shall be limited to a Class II fuel supply necessary to allow for twenty-four (24) hours of emergency operations in a NFPA/UL compliant sub-base tank (documentation from the generator manufacturer must be submitted to confirm the required fuel tank capacity). Installations permitted under this subsection shall be subject to prior site plan review and approval by the Plan and Zoning Commission and shall be screened from view from property lines.
C. All storage tank installations otherwise permitted under the above subsections shall be in conformance with the NFPA, the International Fire Code and all other applicable federal, state and municipal statutes, rules and regulations.
Section 5704., Locations Where Above-Ground Tanks Are Prohibited, of the IFC, is hereby amended by deleting said section and inserting in lieu thereof the following:
Section 5704. Locations Where Above-Ground Tanks Are Prohibited Locations of above ground tanks shall be as stipulated in this chapter pursuant to 180.45 SECTION 5704 - STORAGE (TANKS) - - STORAGE OF FLAMMABLE OR COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS IN OUTSIDE ABOVEGROUND TANKS - - DISTRICT LIMITS.