745.01 Definitions.
745.02 Compliance required.
745.03 Powers of the Director of Public Service and Safety.
745.04 Certificate of public convenience and necessity required.
745.05 Application for certificate; approval by Council.
745.06 Issuance of Certificate.
745.07 Fee.
745.08 Revocation.
745.09 Records.
745.10 Liability insurance.
745.11 Cabby license required.
745.12 Necessary qualifications.
745.13 Application for cabby license.
745.14 Examination of applicant.
745.15 False statements by applicant.
745.16 Issuance of cabby license.
745.17 License fee; expiration, renewal and replacement.
745.18 Renewal of cabby license.
745.19 Suspension or revocation of cabby license.
745.20 Appeal from decision of suspension; fee increase.
745.21 Cabby license; display.
745.22 Schedule of fares.
745.23 Posting of fares.
745.24 Receipt for fare.
745.25 Failure to pay fare.
745.26 Company’s name; display.
745.27 Configuration of vehicle.
745.28 Vehicles excepted.
745.29 Taxicab stands.
745.30 Carrying capacity.
745.31 Unlawful acts.
745.99 Penalty.
Power to regulate - see Ohio R.C. 715.22, 715.66
Power to establish stands and fix rates - see Ohio R.C. 715.25
Use of taxicab stands - see TRAF. 351.10