No person shall do any of the following:
(a)   Charge in excess of the rates of fare fixed in this chapter.
(b)   Charge in excess of the rates expressly fixed by the Director of Public Service and Safety.
(c)   Fail, neglect or refuse to turn in to the Police Department, within twenty-four hours, all the lost articles found in the taxicab.
(d)   Drive or operate any taxicab upon any street in the City unless the owner thereof is operating under and pursuant to a certificate of public convenience and necessity as provided in this chapter and unless all certificates and license fees have been paid.
(e)   Use any portion of the public street or alley as a taxicab stand or permit a taxicab in their charge to stand upon any portion of the public streets or alleys, except for such times as it is necessary to load or unload passengers, excepting in such portions of the public streets or alleys as have been set apart by the Director of Public Service and Safety as taxicab stands and allotted to the particular taxicab in question.
(f)   Fail to notify the Police Department or the Director of Public Service and Safety after any accident as provided in Section 335.15 of the Traffic Code, giving the time and the location of the accident, the name of any person injured, condition of the injured, character of injuries so far as known, and in case of property damage, the estimated amount of such damage.
      (Ord. 10460/92. Passed 11-24-92.)