Sec. 7-502. Disclosure required.
   (a)   It is unlawful for any person to enter as lessor into a lease of non-residential commercial real property to which the article applies without making the disclosures required by this section.
   (b)   Any lessor under a lease to which this article applies must make the following disclosure to the prospective lessee prior to the execution of the lease agreement. A statement advising the prospective lessee to contact the city's Development Services Department (DSD) prior to the execution of the lease agreement to determine whether the property may be occupied for lessee's intended use.
   (c)   Acknowledgement of the disclosure statement must be signed by the lessor or lessor's agent and the lessee and retained by the lessor or lessor's agent for the duration of the lease.
(Ord. No. 10562, § 1, 7-8-08, eff. 10-15-08)