Sec. 7-131. Definitions.
The following words and phrases, wherever used in this article, shall be construed as defined in this section, unless from the context a different meaning is intended:
   (a)   Massage therapy means a health care service involving the external manipulation or pressure of soft tissue (muscles, tendons, ligaments), the main characteristic being to create physiological changes in those tissues. Massage therapy includes, but is not limited to, effleurage, petrissage, tapotement, tapping, compression, applications of direct pressure, vibration, friction, nerve strokes, stretches, range of motion or movements by manual or by any electrical, mechanical or vibratory apparatus, and the external applications of heat and cold. Massage therapy does not include the lawful practice of any of the healing arts to the extent authorized by a state-issued license; or the practice of an occupation licensed pursuant to chapter 19, article I of this Code, except massage therapy as defined in this article. Massage therapy does not, as its primary characteristic, attempt to alter or change energy fields or the life forces (as perceived in traditional Chinese, Asian, or Ayervedic medicines) of the human body, including, but not limited to, shiatsu, reflexology, reiki, polarity, and other similar modalities.
   (b)   Massage therapist means a person who is required to be licensed as a massage therapist by the State of Arizona.
   (c)   Massage establishment means a place of business wherein any of the methods listed in subsection (a) are administered or practiced and/or from which is dispatched a person for administering or practicing massage therapy. A massage establishment must comply with city established building and safety codes, fire codes, and health codes. Massage establishments may be located in either business or residential zones, and must comply with all requirements listed in section 7-137, Massage establishment license; inspections. However, a physical location that serves only as a dispatching location and at which massage therapy is never administered or practiced is exempted from section 7-137. This physical location must be licensed as a massage establishment and must comply with all building safety, health, and fire codes.
   (d)   Moral turpitude means acts that adversely affect one's honesty, integrity, or personal values, and may be defined as an act of baseness, vileness, or depravity in the professional duties owed to the community.
(Ord. No. 9991, § 2, 6-28-04)