Sec. 7-124. Revocation of license; grounds.
The director of finance shall have the authority to revoke a license issued under this article when:
   (1)   The licensee is operating in violation of this article or of any other ordinance or regulation relating to or regulating the licensee's business, and has failed or refused to cease and desist from such violation within five (5) days after notice to do so from the director of finance.
   (2)   The licensee or its managing agent has been convicted, since the license was issued, of any of the offenses described in section 7-121(1) of this article.
   (3)   The licensee or its managing agent has knowingly made false or misleading statements of material fact in the application for the license required by this article, or has entered or given false information in any record or report required by this article to be kept or made by a licensee.
(Ord. No. 4782, § 1, 4-3-78)