Sec. 7-66. Persons regulated.
The nonrefundable application fee, investigation and approval required by section 7-64 shall apply to any person initially applying to engage in the business of fortunetelling, and to any person applying after the occupational license of such person has elapsed for more than one- quarter ( 1/4) year, or been surrendered or revoked.
(Ord. No. 4916, § 4, 12-18-78)
   Editors Note: Ord. No. 4916, §§ 3, 4, adopted Dec. 18, 1978, specifically amended the Code by repealing former § 7-66, and adopting in lieu thereof new § 7-66 as herein set out. Former § 7-66 pertained to delinquent license fees and was derived from the 1953 Code, ch. 32, § 5, and Ord. No. 2209, § 2, adopted Sept. 5, 1961.