(a) In any primary election when there are two (2) or more candidates of the same political party on the ballot, the names of such candidates shall be so alternated on the ballots used in each election precinct that the name of each candidate shall appear substantially an equal number of times in each possible position.
(b) In any general election, the list of candidates of the several parties shall be arranged with the names of the parties in descending order according to the votes cast for governor for that county in the most recent general election for the office of governor.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
(a) In any city election, the city clerk is authorized to perform any hand count(s) the city clerk deems necessary to check the accuracy of the count produced by the central vote tabulating equipment, or to cause, authorize, or direct others to perform such hand count(s), including any county officer in charge of elections who is administering any consolidated election in which the city is participating.
(b) The percentage of ballots or voting areas subject to any hand count(s) shall be at the discretion of the city clerk.
(c) A hand count authorized by this section does not supersede the count produced by the central vote tabulating equipment, which is the official count.
(d) The city clerk shall promulgate rules, regulations, procedures, and forms necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
(a) Not less than twenty (20) days prior to Election Day the mayor and council shall appoint the number of election boards necessary to process ballots.
(1) Each voting location election board shall consist, at a minimum, of one (1) inspector or deputy city clerk, one (1) marshal, and two (2) judges from each of the two (2) largest political parties in the city, to be selected upon the recommendation of their county party chairs, made not less than thirty (30) days prior to election day. In the event that a party chair does not timely submit recommendations, the city clerk shall proceed to appoint the boards. Additionally, clerks may be selected as deemed necessary by the City Clerk.
(2) Each early ballot processing board shall consist, at a minimum, of two (2) judges from each of the two (2) largest political parties in the city, to be selected upon the recommendation of their county party chairs, made not less than thirty (30) days prior to election day. In the event that a party chair does not timely submit recommendations, the city clerk shall proceed to appoint the boards.
(3) Each write-in ballot board shall consist of one (1) inspector and two (2) judges drawn from those members serving on ballot processing boards and shall be from each of the two (2) largest political parties in the city.
(4) Each hand count board shall consist of two (2) judges drawn from those members serving on ballot processing boards and shall be from each of the two (2) largest political parties in the city.
(5) The accuracy and certification board shall consist of one (1) member of each recognized political party having a candidate on the ballot. For non-candidate elections, the two (2) parties receiving the highest number of votes for governor at the last general election shall comprise the board.
(b) The mayor and council shall make all such appointments. The city clerk is authorized to fill such vacancies or appoint additional boards or members as deemed necessary or dismiss those that are not needed.
(c) Members of all voting location and ballot processing boards shall be qualified and registered electors of the city and appointments shall be made so as to provide as equal as practicable representation of members of the two (2) largest political parties of the city. The inspector, marshal or judges shall not have changed their political party affiliation since the last preceding city general election.
(d) The election boards shall serve at a place and time to be designated by the city clerk.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)
No person shall be allowed to remain inside the seventy-five (75) foot limit while the polls are open, except for the purpose of voting, and except the election officials, one (1) representative at any one (1) time of each political party represented on the ballot who has been appointed by the county chairman of that political party and the challengers allowed by law, may remain inside. No electioneering may occur within the seventy-five (75) foot limit.
Voters having cast their ballots shall promptly move outside the seventy-five (75) foot limit.
(Ord. No. 11525, § 2, 2-21-18)