A. An alarm agent who terminates employment with an alarm business shall immediately surrender the alarm agent license to the finance director.
B. An alarm agent who terminates employment with an alarm business to change employment to another alarm business licensee shall notify the finance director of the transfer, in writing, within fifteen (15) calendar days of the change in employment.
C. An alarm business may cancel an alarm business license by filing a notice of cancellation of the license with the finance director. The notice of cancellation shall include the effective date of the cancellation. In the event of the cancellation of a primary alarm business license, notice shall be given to all jurisdictions in which reciprocal alarm business licenses have been issued and are active. Reciprocal alarm business licenses shall be canceled as of the effective date of the cancellation of the primary alarm business license, unless the licensee requests the license be cancelled sooner.
(Ord. No. 9975, § 1, 5-24-04, eff. 1-1-05)
It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any provision of this article, or to operate or act as an alarm company, monitoring company or alarm agent on a revoked or suspended license or without a license. Each day the violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.
(Ord. No. 9975, § 1, 5-24-04, eff. 1-1-05)
(a) Duties. The duties of an alarm business shall be as follows:
(1) To install an SIA Control Panel Standard CP-01 alarm system compatible with the environment, to take reasonable measures to prevent the occurrence of false alarms; and, if it has agreed to provide maintenance or repair service to the system, to service the system within seventy-two (72) hours of a request for service. Shall only install dual-action button holdup devices whenever installing a push button holdup alarm.
(2) To provide written and oral instructions to each of its alarm users and/or the principal occupants of the buildings or premises protected by an alarm system in the proper use and operation of the system. Such instruction will specifically include all necessary instructions in turning the alarm on and off and in avoiding false alarms.
(3) To provide each purchaser and user with a copy of this chapter relating to alarm user duties, false alarm assessments and an alarm user/proprietor registration application or web address for online application.
(4) The alarm business and the alarm user or proprietor alarm owner shall complete and sign the alarm user/alarm company information form with alarm user and the alarm business shall submit the form to the police department within ten (10) days of commencement of service.
(5) Upon leasing, renting, selling or monitoring an alarm system:
(A) To conspicuously place on the premises a tag identifying the pertinent alarm business including the telephone number to call when the alarm has been activated.
(B) To inactivate or cause to be inactivated the audible alarm within fifteen (15) minutes of the notification of its activation in the event the primary and alternate cannot be contacted or does not respond.
(C) The central receiving station must use enhanced call verification for every alarm signal except a fire, holdup, robbery, panic, or duress alarm activation prior to making an alarm dispatch request.
(D) To organize its central receiving station to readily and positively identify the type of alarm, i.e. burglary, robbery or panic, and the location of the alarm, if there is more than one (1) system; whether the alarm is audible or silent; the alarm user registration number and the description of the zone or sensor activated and the name and response time of a responsible party.
(E) To maintain records as to each of these alarm systems, devices or services which should include the name of the owner or occupant of the premises, the name and telephone number of the user, a primary person and an alternate responsible party for responding to the premises when the alarm is activated, information concerning whether the alarm system includes an audible alarm and records of any alarm activation for a period of one (1) year from the date of the activation.
(F) To notify the police department of activated alarm systems in the manner prescribed by the chief of police, including such reasonable information concerning the alarm system as the chief of police may request. Reasonable information shall include the names of persons from the activated alarm location who have contracted with the alarm business and any mailing or telephonic information for the activated alarm location. The information shall be made available at any time upon request by the city or police department representative.
(G) To arrange for the alarm user or other responsible party to go to the premises of an activated alarm system within sixty (60) minutes in order to be available to assist the police in determining the reason for activation and securing the premises. In no event shall there be an unreasonable delay in arriving at the location of the alarm. If the police depart the premises prior to this requirement being met and the police are unable to determine the reason for the activation, such activation shall be deemed a false alarm.
(H) To notify the alarm user or other responsible party, in the case of a monitored alarm system, of all alarm activations at the alarm user's premises within twenty-four (24) hours of activation, not including weekends or holidays, by telephone, electronic mail, facsimile transmission or written notice deposited in the united states mail.
(I) To notify the alarm user that the user may choose not to register and forego a police response except for a fire, holdup, robbery, panic, or duress alarm activation. In such instances, if an dispatch request is made in an instance other than a fire, holdup, robbery, panic, or duress situation the alarm user shall be considered to be unregistered and subject to section 7-475(a)(2).
(6) The alarm business shall notify the alarm administrator within ten (10) days in the event the alarm business ceases to lease, rent, maintain service or monitor any alarm system.
(7) Any alarm business that sells an alarm or an alarm system with monitoring services, or leases, rents, installs, maintains or services an alarm or alarm system shall be subject to subsections (a)(1) through (a)(6) of this section.
(8) Alarm businesses which monitor but do not sell, lease, rent, install, service or maintain alarms or alarm systems shall not be subject to subsections (a)(3) through (a)(6) of this section.
(9) Alarm businesses which sell or install alarms or alarm systems but do not lease, rent, monitor, service or maintain them shall be subject to subsections (a)(1) through (a)(4).
(10) Alarm businesses which do not monitor, maintain, service or install alarms or alarm systems shall not be subject to subsection (a) of this section, but shall be responsible for instructing each person who purchases an alarm or an alarm system in the proper use and operation of the alarm, informing each alarm user or alarm purchaser to contact the alarm administrator for information regarding this chapter, advising each alarm user or alarm purchaser of the requirement of an alarm user registration and providing a copy of this chapter to each alarm user or alarm purchaser. Such instruction will specifically include all necessary instructions in turning the alarm on and off and in avoiding false alarms.
(11) Alarm businesses shall provide a list of its customers to the alarm administrator in the format prescribed by the alarm administrator and shall be updated by the business on a monthly basis and provided to the alarm administrator no later than the 5th of each month. Information required of customers shall consist of their full name, address, and phone number and any concern or safety consideration present at the alarm site that a law enforcement officer should be aware of.
(b) Penalty. An alarm business which violates any provision of this section is responsible for a civil infraction and may be fined in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
(Ord. No. 10967, § 5, 2-28-12, eff. 4-1-12)
The duties of an alarm user and proprietor alarm owner shall be as follows:
(1) To instruct and inform all persons or personnel, who are authorized to place the system or device into operation, in the appropriate method of operation, the provisions of this chapter, and emphasizing the importance of avoiding false alarms.
(2) To apply for an alarm user registration from the alarm administrator within ten (10) days of commencement of alarm service.
(3) To respond to or to make arrangements for a responsible person to respond to the scene of an activated alarm within sixty (60) minutes of the alarm activation. The user will be responsible for any costs to secure the property if the police department has been dispatched.
(4) To maintain the alarm or alarm system in good working order and take reasonable measures to prevent the occurrence of false alarms.
(5) An alarm user who violates any provision of this section is responsible for a civil infraction and may be fined in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
(Ord. No. 10967, § 5, 2-28-12, eff. 4-1-12)
It shall be unlawful for any person to intentionally activate any robbery alarm for any reason other than to warn of an actual robbery or to intentionally activate any burglar alarm for any reason other than to warn of an unauthorized entry into an alarm protected premises or to intentionally activate any commercial panic alarm for any reason other than to signal a life threatening or emergency situation requiring law enforcement response. An alarm user who violates any provision of this section is responsible for a civil infraction and may be fined in an amount not to exceed two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00).
(Ord. No. 10967, § 5, 2-28-12, eff. 4-1-12)