Auxiliary water supply means any water supply available to a premises or another purveyor's water supply system. These auxiliary waters may include additional water services from Tucson Water's public water supply, other water purveyors or any other natural source.
AWWA means the American Water Works Association.
Backflow Prevention Assembly means an assemblance of one (1) or more body components including shutoff valves that has been approved by the Foundation for Cross- Connection Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California.
Backflow prevention assembly tester (registered) means a person who is currently certified by an authority recognized in the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality regulations and is approved and registered with Tucson Water to test, repair, and maintain backflow prevention assemblies.
Compliance date means the date by which the backflow prevention assembly/reclaimed water site inspection compliance report must be received by Tucson Water or for violations of this article, the specified date by which a violation must be remedied.
Compliance fee means the fee that is charged to recover the administrative costs that are incurred when a customer's water service is discontinued.
Consecutive systems means another public or private water system where Tucson Water is the sole source of water for the other purveyor's water system.
Contamination means any condition, device or practice which, in the judgment of Tucson Water, may create a danger to health and well being. This includes an impairment of the public water supply by the introduction or admission of any foreign substance that degrades the water quality and creates a health hazard.
Courtesy notice means any written notice informing a customer that a backflow method is not operating correctly or does not meet applicable codes or that the reclaimed water site is not in compliance.
Cross-connection protection means the degree of protection against cross-connections existing between the public water supplies and private plumbing systems.
Customer means the person/entity accepting financial responsibility for water service from Tucson Water.
Four-day notice means the written notice that is personally delivered to the site when the customer fails to meet the requirements imposed by this article stating that water service will be discontinued in four days, excluding the day the notice is delivered, if the requirements of this article are not met.
Gray water system, pressurized means any premise where there is a gray water collection and distribution system that is pressurized with any kind of pump.
Hazard means a cross connection or potential cross connection between the public water supply and a private plumbing system involving any substance that could, if introduced into the public water supplies, be aesthetically objectionable or a nuisance, cause severe damage to the physical facilities of the public water supply systems, cause death, illness, or spread disease, or have a high probability of causing such effects.
Improper means not functioning within the manufacturer's or Tucson Water's specifications or the requirements of this article.
Inspection means a visual examination of a reclaimed water site or any backflow protection equipment, materials, workmanship and operational performance. All reclaimed water site inspections also include a cross-connection test.
Maintenance means work performed or repairs made to keep backflow prevention assemblies operable and in compliance.
Pollution means any actual or potential threat to the physical facilities of the public water supply systems or to the public water supplies which, although not dangerous to health, would constitute a nuisance or be aesthetically objectionable, or could cause damage to the system or its appurtenances. This includes any substance that generally would not be a health hazard but would constitute a nuisance, or be aesthetically objectionable, if introduced into the water supply.
Proper means functioning within the parameters of the manufacturer's and Tucson Water's specifications and the requirements of this article.
Rainwater system, pressurized means any premise where there is a rain water harvesting collection and distribution system that is pressurized with any kind of pump.
Reclaimed water means water that is provided through the Tucson Water reclaimed system.
Reclaimed water site means any premise where reclaimed water is used.
Reclaimed water site tester means a certified backflow prevention assembly tester who is certified by and is registered with Tucson Water to perform reclaimed water site inspections in the Tucson Water service area.
Service connection means a piping connection between Tucson Water's meter and a customer's private plumbing system.
Service protection means the acceptable backflow prevention method installed between Tucson Water's meter and a customer's private plumbing system.
Testing means an authorized procedure to determine the operational and functional status of a backflow prevention assembly.
(Ord. No. 9976, § 2, 5-24-04; Ord. No. 10563, § 1, 7-8-08; Ord. No. 10867, § 1, 12-21-10)
The purpose of this article is:
(1) To protect the public water supplies of Tucson Water from the possibility of contamination or pollution by preventing the backflow of contaminants and pollutants into the public water supply systems.
(2) To promote the elimination or control of cross-connections, actual or potential, between a customer's internal water systems, plumbing fixtures, industrial piping systems, and the public water supply.
(3) To provide for a continuing program of cross-connection control which will prevent the contamination or pollution of the public water supply systems.
(4) To implement the requirements of AAC R18-4-215 requiring public water systems to protect against backflow, and to this end this article shall be construed and applied consistent with the requirements of AAC R18-4-215.
(Ord. No. 9976, § 2, 5-24-04; Ord. No. 10867, § 1, 12-21-10)
(a) When Tucson Water determines that the water supplied by the public water systems may be subject to contamination or pollution, an approved backflow prevention method shall be required at every service connection to a customer's water system. The customer shall install the required backflow protection within the time specified by Tucson Water. In determining the time in which backflow protection shall be installed, Tucson Water shall consider the degree of hazard potential to the public water supplies.
(b) The backflow prevention method required shall be determined by Tucson Water. The method required by Tucson Water shall be sufficient to protect against the hazard potential, as determined by Tucson Water, to the public water supplies.
(Ord. No. 9976, § 2, 5-24-04)
The hazard potential to the public water supply systems from a customer's private plumbing system shall be determined using the following hazard factors as each is defined in section 27-70:
(1) Contamination.
(2) Cross-connection protection.
(3) Pollution.
(Ord. No. 9976, § 2, 5-24-04)
(1) Air gap (AG): The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the opening of the pipe or faucet supplying potable water to a tank, plumbing fixture or other device. An approved air gap shall be at least double the effective opening of the supply pipe or faucet and in no case less than one (1) inch above the flood rim.
(2) Reduced pressure principle assembly (RPA): An assembly containing two (2) independently acting approved check valves together with a hydraulically operating, mechanically independent pressure differential relief valve located between the check valves, and at the same time below the first check valve. The assembly shall include properly located test cocks and tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly.
(3) Double check valve assembly (DCVA): An assembly composed of two (2) independently acting, approved check valves, including tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly and fitted with properly located test cocks.
(4) Pressure vacuum breaker assembly (PVB): An assembly containing an independently operating, loaded check valve and an independently operating, loaded air inlet valve located on the discharge side of the check valve. The assembly shall be equipped with properly located test cocks and tightly closing shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly.
(5) Spill-resistant pressure vacuum breaker (SVB): An assembly containing an independently operating internally loaded check valve and independently operating loaded air inlet valve located on the discharge side of the check valve. The assembly shall be equipped with a properly located resilient seated test cock, properly located bleed/vent valve and tightly closing resilient seated shutoff valves located at each end of the assembly.
(6) Double check detector assembly (DCDA or DDCVA): An assembly composed of a line size approved double check valve assembly with a bypass containing a specific water meter and an approved double check valve assembly.
(7) Reduced pressure principle detector assembly (RPDA): An assembly composed of a line size approved reduced pressure principle assembly with a bypass containing a specific water meter and an approved reduced pressure principle assembly.
(b) A backflow prevention method may be approved by Tucson Water if it is contained in section 7.2 of the Manual of Cross-Connection Control, Ninth Edition, USC- FCCCHR, KAP-200 University Park MC 2531, Los Angeles, California, 90089-2531, December 1993 (cross connection manual). The current list of approved methods shall be available for inspection at Tucson Water to any customer required to install a backflow prevention assembly.
(c) Any backflow prevention assembly equipped with test cocks shall have been issued a certificate of approval by the USC Foundation for Cross-Connection Control and Hydraulic Research or a third-party certifying entity that is unrelated to the product's manufacturer or vendor, and is approved by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. Any backflow prevention assembly not equipped with test cocks shall be certified by a third party entity unrelated to the product's manufacturer or vendor and approved by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.
(Ord. No. 9976, § 2, 5-24-04; Ord. No. 10867, § 1, 12-21-10)
(a) Whenever the following items exist or activities are conducted on premises served by the public water systems, a potential hazard to the public water supplies shall be presumed, and a backflow prevention method of the type specified herein for that item or activity must be utilized or installed at each service connection for that premises. If an activity or item is not on the following list, it shall be evaluated by Tucson Water and a method of backflow prevention will be determined.
(1) Cooling tower, boiler, condenser, chiller, and other cooling systems: RPA.
(2) Tank, vessel, receptacle, and all other water connections, including mobile units, except emergency vehicles and private swimming pools: RPA.
(3) Icemaker (other than a residential service): RPA.
(4) Water-cooled equipment, boosters, pumps or autoclaves: RPA.
(5) Water treatment facilities and all water processing equipment (other than residential water softeners): RPA.
(6) Bottle washer, bedpan washer, garbage can washer: RPA.
(7) Pesticide, herbicide, fertilizer, and chemical applicators (other than typical in- home use): RPA.
(8) Aspirator: RPA.
(9) Commercial dishwashers, food processing and/or preparation equipment, carbonation equipment, or other food service processes: RPA.
(10) Decorative fountain, baptismal, or any location water is exposed to atmosphere: RPA.
(11) X-ray equipment, plating equipment, or any other photographic processing equipment: RPA.
(12) Auxiliary water supply and/or connections to unapproved water supply systems: RPA.
(13) Reclaimed water sites with potable water connection: RPA.
(14) Recreational vehicle dump stations (sewer), or any other location where water may be exposed to bacteria, virus or gas: RPA.
(15) Any premises on which chemicals, oils, solvents, pesticides, disinfectants, cleaning agents, acids or other pollutants and/or contaminants are handled in a manner by which they may come in direct contact with water, or there is evidence of the potential to contact water: RPA.
(16) Materials and piping systems unapproved by the City Plumbing Code or Environmental Protection Agency for potable water usage: RPA.
(17) Separately metered or unprotected irrigation systems, and construction water services: RPA or PVB/SVB as allowed.
(18) Any premises where a cross-connection is maintained or where internal backflow protection is required pursuant to the City Plumbing Code: RPA.
(19) Multimetered properties with more than one (1) meter connected: RPA.
(20) Fire systems--AWWA Classes 1 and 2 and all systems constructed of a piping material not approved for potable water pursuant to the City Plumbing Code: DCVA or Double Detector CVA. Furthermore, fire systems, Classes 1 and 2, that are under the jurisdiction of the fire department or a fire district that requires periodic sprinkler system testing similar to the city's are exempt from this article: DCVA.
(21) Fire systems--AWWA Class 3, 4, 5, 6: RPA or RPA with detector.
(22) Fire systems which require backflow protection and where backflow protection is required on the industrial/domestic service connection that is located on the same premises, both service connections will have adequate backflow protection for the highest degree of hazard affecting either system: RPA (Requirement may be waived by Tucson Water).
(23) Any premises which has a source of water supply that is not accepted by the public water system and or not approved by the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality: As determined by Tucson Water.
(24) Any premises where an unprotected cross-connection exists or where there has previously occurred a cross connection problem within the premises: As determined by Tucson Water.
(25) Any premises where there is a significant possibility that a cross-connection problem will occur and entry onto the premises is restricted to the extent that cross-connection inspections can not be made with sufficient frequency or on sufficiently short notice to assure that unprotected cross-connections do not exist: As determined by Tucson Water.
(26) Multi-use commercial property: RPA.
(27) Properties with active private wells: RPA.
(28) Consecutive systems, when required by Tucson Water: RPA.
(29) Fire hydrant/construction water: RPA.
(30) Jumper connection to new water mains: RPA.
(31) Any building three (3) stories or greater than thirty-four (34) feet in height as measured from the service level: RPA.
(32) Any premise on which there is a pressurized gray water system: RPA.
(33) Any premise on which there is pressurized rain water harvesting system: RPA.
(b) When two (2) or more of the activities listed above are conducted on the same premises and served by the same service connection or multiple service connections, the most restrictive backflow prevention method required for any of the activities conducted on the premises shall be required to be installed at each service connection. The order of most restrictive to least restrictive backflow prevention methods shall be as follows:
(1) Air gap (AG).
(2) Reduced pressure principle assembly (RPA).
(3) Reduced pressure principal detector assembly (RPDA).
(4) Double check valve assembly (DCVA).
(5) Double check detector assembly (DCDA).
(6) Pressure vacuum breaker assembly (PVB).
(7) Spill resistant pressure vacuum breaker (SVB).
(Ord. No. 9976, § 2, 5-24-04; Ord. No. 10867, § 1, 12-21-10)
(a) Backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed and maintained by the customer, at the customer's expense and in compliance with the standards and specifications adopted by the city, at each service connection. The customer is responsible for notifying Tucson Water of any installation, repair, relocation or replacement. A backflow prevention assembly shall be installed as close as practicable to the service connection. Any backflow prevention method shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications and Tucson Water's standard details for installation.
(b) The assembly shall have a diameter at least equal to the diameter of the service connection or service line at point of connection. Each service connection will require its own backflow prevention assembly.
(c) The assembly shall be in an accessible location approved by Tucson Water. The RPA, RPDA, DCVA, DCDA, PVB, and SVB shall be installed above ground and per Tucson Water standard details.
(d) When a customer desires a continuous water supply, two (2) backflow prevention assemblies shall be installed parallel to one another at the service connection to allow a continuous water supply during testing and maintenance of the backflow prevention assemblies. When backflow prevention assemblies are installed parallel to one another, the sum of the cross-sectional areas of the assemblies shall be at least equal to the cross-sectional area of the service connection or service line piping at the point of installation, and the assemblies shall be of the same type, size, and manufacturer.
(e) For an AG installation all piping installed between the user's connection and the receiving tank shall be entirely visible unless otherwise approved in writing by Tucson Water.
(f) Backflow prevention assemblies shall not be installed in a meter box, pit or vault.
(g) A PVB or SVB assembly may be installed for use on a landscape water irrigation system if:
(1) The water use beyond the assembly is for irrigation purposes only;
(2) The PVB/SVB is installed in accordance with manufacturer's specifications;
(3) The irrigation system is designed and constructed to be incapable of inducing backpressure;
(4) Chemigation, the injection of chemical pesticides and fertilizers, is not used or provided for in the irrigation system; and
(5) No other source of water is available on the premises.
If these five criteria are not met, then an RP assembly is required.
(h) No person shall alter, modify, bypass or remove a backflow prevention method without the approval of Tucson Water.
(i) Installation of the backflow prevention assembly must be completed within the time specified in the notice to install or within forty-five (45) days of the water meter installation. A time extension may be granted by Tucson Water.
(j) If a customer fails to install a backflow prevention assembly pursuant to this article, Tucson Water shall discontinue water service and assess a compliance fee pursuant to this article.
(Ord. No. 9976, § 2, 5-24-04; Ord. No. 10867, § 1, 12-21-10)