The superintendent of the water department shall have general supervision over all charges and collections of water rents, pipe tapping, building costs and over any and all amounts due or collected in the water department. All moneys collected by him shall be turned over to the director of finance daily and receipt taken therefor.
(1953 Code, ch. 25, § 6)
All moneys paid to the director of finance under the provisions of this chapter shall be kept by him in a separate fund to be known as the water utility fund, into which the director of finance shall turn all moneys received by him properly belonging to such fund.
(1953 Code, ch. 25, § 7)
The water superintendent, or other employees of the water department under his supervision, shall make all water taps or service connections; however, in any street paving improvement district such water taps or service connections may be included in the contract for such street paving improvements, and such water taps or service connections may then be made by the contractor under the direction of the water superintendent.
(1953 Code, ch. 25, § 10)
(a) Water utility service may be requested by phone, mail, or in person. The department, as a condition precedent to approving an application for water service to any premises, shall collect all installation and other charges required by this chapter. Title to all pipes, fittings and other water facilities shall be and remain in the city. The person, corporation, or association in whose name the water utility service is requested, or any other person, other corporation, or other association who is receiving the benefit of the water utility service will be responsible for compliance with the terms of this chapter, and will be responsible for the payments and charges required by this chapter.
(b) As a condition of providing water service, the director may require a deposit from an applicant for services as follows:
(1) For residential water service, the deposit amount shall be two hundred dollars ($200.00). For water service to other customer classes, the deposit amount shall be two (2) times the estimated monthly bill.
(2) The individual in whose name the deposit is made shall be responsible for the payment of all bills incurred in connection with the service furnished.
(3) The director may require a separate deposit for each meter installed.
(4) The deposit, with interest, will be refunded or forfeited as follows:
(i) Residential deposits shall be refundable after one (1) year of continuous service, providing the account is not delinquent and has been kept in good standing. If the account is open for less than one (1) year, the residential deposit shall be refunded after the final bill is satisfied.
(ii) Deposits on commercial, multi-family or industrial applicants may be held until the account is closed.
(iii) If water service to an account is discontinued for nonpayment of bills, the deposit with interest will be applied by the city toward settlement of the account. Upon reactivation of the account, another deposit may be charged.
(iv) The accrued interest on the deposit amount, to be refunded the applicant or applied toward settlement of an unpaid account, will be computed using the average market rate earned by the City of Tucson's Investment Pool during the past twelve (12) months.
(c) The director may, at his option, require a utility service bond in lieu of a cash deposit for large commercial, multi-family, and industrial applicants for service. Such utility service bonds shall be on a form approved by the city attorney, and the director shall have the power to execute such bond on behalf of the city. The provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall apply to utility service bonds.
(d) The director may require a deposit from existing customers who become delinquent and do not keep their account in good standing or have had their service discontinued for nonpayment of bills. Deposit will be calculated per subsection (b).
(1953 Code, ch. 25, § 11; Ord. No. 4489, § 1, 5-24-76; Ord. No. 4626, § 2, 3-3-77; Ord. No. 4763, § 1, 2-27-78; Ord. No. 9977, § 1, 5-24-04; Ord. No. 10897, § 1, 5-24-11, eff. 7-5-11; Ord. No. 11269, § 1, 5-19-15, eff. 7-6-15)
The word "premises" is hereby defined to be each separate residence, house, store or building so situated upon any lot or lots within or without the city that the same might be, or, in the opinion of the superintendent of the water department, could be sold separately from any other residence, house, store or building upon the same lot or lots, irrespective of the number of residences, houses, stores or buildings upon the lot or lots, and even though two (2) or more of the residences, houses, stores or buildings are held or owned by the same person. The determination of the superintendent of the water department as to whether any house, residence, store or building comes within the meaning of this section so as to require a separate water service connection shall be final; however, the owner of the premises shall have the right to appeal such decision to the mayor and council at their next meeting. In the event of any such appeal being taken, the determination of the mayor and council shall be final.
(1953 Code, ch. 25, § 11a)
All water services shall be installed by the water department as provided in this chapter. It shall be unlawful for any person to install any such service or any part of such service, or to repair any service now existing or any part thereof, from the water main to and including the meter, or disturb any street or alley in any manner for the purpose of locating trouble or any other reason whatsoever.
(1953 Code, ch. 25, § 12)
The city shall not be held liable for any damage that may result from the shutting off or turning on of any supply pipe or main for any purpose whatever, even should no notice have been given, nor for damages caused by any break or leak on any water pipe inside of the curb, etc. All supply pipes to buildings should be properly supplied with a suitable stopcock inside the property line, to ensure against the danger of frost or bursts which may cause any damage. Such cock should be kept in good order and under control of the consumer. The stopcock and box on the curb shall be in charge of the water department only.
(1953 Code, ch. 25, § 13)