Sec. 26-40. Prohibited discharges.
The following are prohibited:
   (1)   Any discharge that is a source of pollutants;
   (2)   Allowing or causing any discharge that contributes a pollutant to stormwater;
   (3)   Any discharge that contributes to a violation of the city's Municipal Stormwater Permit, regardless of whether that discharge is covered under, and is in compliance with, an AZPDES/NPDES permit;
   (4)   Establishing, using, and/or maintaining any connection that allows a discharge that contributes a pollutant to stormwater;
   (5)   Depositing, dumping or storing any materials in a manner that may contribute a pollutant to, or obstruct the flow of, stormwater;
   (6)   Failing to comply with any applicable AZPDES/NPDES Permit, including any permit requirements to develop, implement, or comply with a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP);
   (7)   Failing to provide required information to the city including:
   a.   Copies of the notice of intent, notice of termination, and/or no exposure certification as appropriate;
   b.   Upon request, copies of the SWPPP, water quality monitoring results and/or hydrologic reports certifying compliance with discharge or retention requirements;
   (8)   Failing to develop, implement, or comply with a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan or a Corrective Action Plan utilizing Best Management Practices that is either required under an AZPDES/NPDES permit or imposed by the city pursuant to this article, including requirements to implement good housekeeping, spill control and response, employee training, record keeping, proper material and waste management, practices for nonstormwater flows, and structural stormwater controls;
   (9)   Misrepresentation in any document pertaining to an approved plan, permit, or certification relating to a discharge activity; and
   (10)   Disabling or rendering inaccurate any sampling or monitoring device required under this article.
(Ord. No. 10209, § 3, 10-18-05)