Sec. 23A-72. Legislative intent and purpose.
   A.   This article is adopted for the purpose of promoting the health, safety, and general welfare of the residents of the city by:
   1.   Requiring new development to pay its proportionate share of the costs incurred by the city that are associated with providing necessary public services to new development.
   2.   Setting forth standards and procedures for creating and assessing development impact fees consistent with the requirements of A.R.S. § 9-463.05.
   3.   Setting forth procedures for administering the development impact fee program, including mandatory offsets, credits, and refunds of development impact fees. All development impact fee assessments, offsets, credits, or refunds shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of this article.
   B.   This article shall not affect the city's zoning authority or its authority to adopt or amend its General Plan, provided that planning and zoning activities by the city may require amendments to development impact fees as provided in section 23A-77.
(Ord. No. 11203, § 1, 10-9-14, eff. 12-23-14)