General Provisions
   31.001   Resignation; inability to hold office
   31.002   Commencement date of term of office
   31.003   Rates of compensation for elected officials
   31.0031    Increases or decreases in compensation of elected officials
   31.004   Elective participation in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, deferred compensation program, term life insurance, and health insurance for elected officials
Village President
   31.005   Mayor as Village President
   31.006   Election; term
   31.007   Bond and oath; compensation
   31.008   Powers and duties
   31.009   Vacancy in office of Village President
   31.010   Mayor Pro Tem
   31.011   Emergency succession
   31.012   Emergency powers and spending authority
Village Clerk
   31.020   Election; term
   31.021   Bond; compensation
   31.022   Vacancy in office of Village Clerk
   31.023   Deputy Clerk
   31.024   Powers and duties
   31.025   Issuance of licenses and the like
   31.026   Keeping of election records and results
   31.027   Keeping inventory of village property
   31.028   Custodian of village documents
   31.029   (Reserved)
   31.030   Term limits for elected officials
Building Officials and Inspectors
   31.045   Building Commissioner
   31.046   Building Inspector
   31.047   Electrical Inspector
   31.048   Plumbing Inspector
   31.049   Village Architect
Director of Community Development
   31.060   Establishment
   31.061   Powers and duties
   31.062   Planning Technician
Economic Development Coordinator
   31.065   Establishment
   31.066   Duties
   31.067   Appointment and term of office
   31.068   Compensation
Health Officer
   31.070   Establishment
Public Works
   31.090   Director of Public Works
   31.091   Superintendent of Water
   31.092   Superintendent of Streets
   31.093   Administrative Office Manager
   31.094   Assistant Public Works Office Manager
   31.095   Assistant Director of Public Works
   31.105   Treasurer; Assistant Village Treasurer
   31.106   Bond
   31.107   Powers and duties
Village Attorney
   31.115   Establishment
   31.116   Powers and duties
   31.117   Compensation
Village Manager
   31.125   Establishment
   31.126   Compensation; bond
   31.127   Powers and duties
   31.128   Interaction with Board of Trustees
   31.129   Conflicts of interest prohibited
   31.130   Absence or disability of Village Manager
   31.131   Removal
Assistant Village Manager
   31.135   Establishment of office; appointment and term
   31.136   Duties
   31.137   Compensation
Zoning Administrator
   31.140   Establishment
   31.141   Compensation
   31.142   Powers and duties
General Administrative Offices
   31.150   Administrative Secretary
   31.151   Community Relations Coordinator
   31.152   Office of Planner
Director of Planning
   31.160   Establishment of office
   31.161   Duties
   31.162   Appointment; term of office
   31.163   Compensation
   31.164   Description of job
Code Compliance Officer
   31.175   Establishment of office
   31.176   Duties
   31.177   Appointment; term of office
   31.178   Compensation
   31.179   Description of job
Capital Project Manager
   31.185   Creation of office
   31.186   Duties
   31.187   Appointment; term of office
   31.188   Compensation
Midnight Records Clerk
   31.195   Creation of office
   31.196   Duties
   31.197   Appointment; term of office
   31.198   Compensation
Telecommunications Supervisor
   31.210   Creation
   31.211   Duties
   31.212   Appointment; term of office
   31.213   Compensation
Human Resources/Risk Management Coordinator
   31.220   Creation
   31.221   Duties
   31.222   Appointment; term of office
   31.223   Compensation
Office of Independent Inspector General
   31.230   Creation
   31.231   Designation of Cook County Sheriff
   31.232   Purpose of office
   31.233   Powers and duties
   31.234   Duty to cooperate
   31.235   Acknowledgment of duty to cooperate
   31.236   Dissolution